I can't believe my maternity leave will be over in 2 weeks. Since we'll be out of town most of that time it seems like its ending even sooner. Today was my last Tuesday home with my baby. Tomorrow will seem like my like day at home (although I will have a Monday after we get back before I go back to work). Last week I was ready to go back, but now, not so much. But I'm so thankful that I was able to take off 12 weeks to get to know my little girl. I'm also thankful that the option to stay home is out there--it would certainly mean making changes but it is an option. At this point its not an option I want to pursue--I need some more structure and socialization in my life than I've had the past few months.
Its amazing how much love that little girl inspires. I can't believe how blessed we are. Praise God!
A four year old, a baby, and working with the foster care system. How many feet will we end up with?
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I woke up Sunday feeling strange. I knew there were things I needed to do, but I didn't feel pushed to do them. I wanted to just be lazy. It wasn't that I'd lost interest in activities or was otherwise depressed. It took awhile but I finally realized I was relaxed. Relaxed. Its been a long time.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Pump no more
Trying to pump 5-6 times a day got to be increasingly difficult so over the past week I've cut back. I also stopped the medication I was on to increase my milk supply. Yesterday I just pumped twice. Today I haven't pumped at all. After all the stress and angst I've had related to breastfeeding and pumping, I wasn't prepared to have such a hard time deciding to stop. (Maybe if she ate better, it wouldn't be so hard. It used to seem like she liked breast milk better than formula but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore.) Nor was I prepared to be sad about stopping. This morning I realized I didn't know it was the last time the last time I tried to actually breastfeed my baby. I couldn't even remember when it was so, for the actual last time, I got out our little nipple shield and tried again this morning. It was probably the best feeding session she's ever done. If she'd latched like that to start with, been that alert, and we'd had that experience 2 months ago, I think breastfeeding would have been an entirely different experience. But she didn't, she wasn't, and it wasn't. Maybe that's why I'm sad.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Mommy Lesson #5663...
.....do NOT get baby's shots the week Daddy is on call. P helps SO much with Isla that its hard when he's working or knows he has surgery the next day and needs to rest. Isla's been pretty fussy the past few days. Either she's rapid-cycling bipolar or she's still recovering from her vaccines Tuesday. Whichever, P had surgery Tuesday and was on call Wednesday and Thursday so I've tried to do all the getting up at night this week. I couldn't sleep at all Tuesday night and Wednesday night was also hard. Last night was better so I'm feeling better today and tonight Mimi is coming over to take care of Isla all night so P and I can go downstairs and get some sleep. Hopefully my happy baby will be back soon.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
We have a plan...
Isla had her 2 month check-up and shots today. Dr. S thinks everything looks good, but does feel we need to be proactive about getting more weight on her. We talked about the feeding issues our wonderful SLP friend M observed when she watched her eat Sunday and Dr. S watched her eat some too and felt inside her mouth--apparently Isla had a high palate. She's sending us for a formal SLP eval and said a different nipple type might help make eating easier. We're also trying higher calorie formula. There are only 2 more calories an ounce, but that's an extra 10% and over the course of the day would be the equivalent of an extra feeding. Hopefully with these actions, we'll see some improvement when we follow-up after vacation. We also talked about the mommy anxiety issues and whether mommy needs a magic little pill to take the edge off. Since I feel like we're doing something now, I'm going to hold off on that. I did have blood drawn today to check TSH levels. When my thyroid gets out of whack, I sometimes have more anxiety issues anyway so I wouldn't be surprised if they call tomorrow and tell me to decrease my Synthroid dose.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Newborn pictures...
By the way, if you haven't seen Isla's newborn pictures, you can go to www.lauradavisphotography.com. Enter website, click on client proofing, newborn collection, and Isla. Our last name is the password.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Grow baby, grow!
Somehow we ended up with a baby who doesn't eat well. She's 2 months tomorrow and just over a pound over her birth weight. She's had problems with suction, reflux, and constipation. After weighing her this morning and seeing she'd only gained 4 ounces in 2 weeks, I sat and cried. Then I called the wonderful LC and had a chat with her. She suggested (the generic of the) Gentlease formula and to stop the water Isla has been drinking for constipation. Hopefully this will digest better, not cause constipation, and let her eat more without hurting. I'll check back in with the LC Monday and she has her 2 month check-up Tuesday.
Tomorrow...updated Winston photos!
Tomorrow...updated Winston photos!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I know some women worry about the personal landscaping before giving birth (Hi M!) but I wasn't concerned about that issue. I did however have a pedicure a few days before Isla was born and many people commented on the toes while I was in the hospital. Kinda made me wonder if other grooming niceties would have been commented on if they'd been addressed. Doubt it. Anyway I thought of this tonight when I removed the last of the polish from my pre-Isla pedi.
Here's the picture of Isla in the contraption to have her chest xray. It reminded me of the canisters they use at the bank. I expected her to be shot up a vacuum tunnel to the other side of a window.

It wasn't as bad as it looked. Isla cried but no more than anytime her clothes are changed. She coughed less today. It was such a gorgeous day and she seemed so much better that we took the stroller out for a bit this afteroon.
We're back to being a single canine household. Bumper needs a home where there's not an infant. He's too high energy to be around a baby. P was afraid he'd plow into Isla sometime when not paying attention or we'd trip over him. I was worried about the way he and Speckles end up fighting when she's done playing and he wasn't. I didn't want Isla getting in the way of that. We were able to take him back to the no-kill rescue we got him from and they'll find another home for him. The shelter has good adoption stats and he was only there a month when we got him so hopefully he'll find a new home with a high energy dog or school aged children soon. It was a hard decision to make and I couldn't go with P to take him back but I know its the right thing for our family.
We're starting to plan our vacation. Before I go back to work we're going to Orange Beach, AL for a week with friends. P has a thing in Chicago before that so we're going to Chicago on a Thursday evening, driving from Chicago towards Orange Beach on Sunday. We'll stop partway and finish the drive Monday morning. We'll come home the following Friday/Saturday. That Sunday is Easter and Isla has a gorgeous little Easter dress that I found for $8 at a consignment shop. The following Tuesday I go back to work. Not sure how I feel about that one.
I'm about to fall asleep so I should go to bed. But I know someone will need a bottle shortly so I'm just going to sing off and try to read. I just started Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert (who also wrote Eat, Pray, Love). Hopefully I'll have time to edit this tomorrow. Good Night!
Here's the picture of Isla in the contraption to have her chest xray. It reminded me of the canisters they use at the bank. I expected her to be shot up a vacuum tunnel to the other side of a window.

It wasn't as bad as it looked. Isla cried but no more than anytime her clothes are changed. She coughed less today. It was such a gorgeous day and she seemed so much better that we took the stroller out for a bit this afteroon.
We're back to being a single canine household. Bumper needs a home where there's not an infant. He's too high energy to be around a baby. P was afraid he'd plow into Isla sometime when not paying attention or we'd trip over him. I was worried about the way he and Speckles end up fighting when she's done playing and he wasn't. I didn't want Isla getting in the way of that. We were able to take him back to the no-kill rescue we got him from and they'll find another home for him. The shelter has good adoption stats and he was only there a month when we got him so hopefully he'll find a new home with a high energy dog or school aged children soon. It was a hard decision to make and I couldn't go with P to take him back but I know its the right thing for our family.
We're starting to plan our vacation. Before I go back to work we're going to Orange Beach, AL for a week with friends. P has a thing in Chicago before that so we're going to Chicago on a Thursday evening, driving from Chicago towards Orange Beach on Sunday. We'll stop partway and finish the drive Monday morning. We'll come home the following Friday/Saturday. That Sunday is Easter and Isla has a gorgeous little Easter dress that I found for $8 at a consignment shop. The following Tuesday I go back to work. Not sure how I feel about that one.
I'm about to fall asleep so I should go to bed. But I know someone will need a bottle shortly so I'm just going to sing off and try to read. I just started Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert (who also wrote Eat, Pray, Love). Hopefully I'll have time to edit this tomorrow. Good Night!
Cough, cough...
P's cough has pretty much disappeared. Mine is a lot better. Isla's was getting worse yesterday so we thought we'd better get it checked out. We went to the hospital with the intent of going through Express Care to get an RSV test. They ended up triaging us through to the regular ER. RSV was negative. Chest xray was questionable--there might have been some early infiltrates or it might have been normal (do you know how they get a chest xray on a baby?? I made P take a picture with his phone--I'll post it when I get a chance). Everything else looked good. Since she'd started coughing and had been exposed to mommy and daddy with bad coughs, they gave us the option of an antibiotic. The doctor also told us we could give her nebulizer treatments if she seemed congested. She seems better today so hopefully being proactive will keep her from getting sick. I'm supposed to follow-up with her regular doctor tomorrow but I think I'm going to call and tell them everything seems fine now and that I'll call if she has more symptoms. We're due in there a week from Tuesday for 2 month shots anyway. If she remains like she is now, I'm comfortable waiting until then to be seen.
Friday, March 5, 2010
I'm sick. I've been fighting it for a few days and I think it officially attacked me last night. I'm under orders to call the doctor's office this morning and try to get in to see her today. I've been hoping and praying that Isla doesn't get it too. I heard a couple coughs out of her last night and just started bawling. I feel like the worst mommy ever giving my baby my cough.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Her puke smelled like pancakes...
The comment amused me. We've been having to give Isla Karo syrup in her bottle for constipation (she doesn't like the syrup though--whoddathunk that a kid of mine wouldn't have a sweet tooth???) and she spit up on Daddy tonight. Her puke smelled like pancakes.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Clothes and diapers...
I had to retire Isla's newborn sleepers last week. She still had plenty of room in the belly but her feet ran out of room when she would stretch. She can still wear other newborn clothes and some 0-3 month clothes are starting not to totally swim on her. The last pack of newborn diapers was pretty snug so I bought size 1s yesterday. Same brand, but these now seem large. Her G diapers fit her well--they don't seem to mind she doesn't have much of a hiney--so we're wearing those mostly.
P's been fighting a cough for a week and I seem to have gotten one too. Hope Isla can keep from getting it!
Isla likes to lay on her changing table and just swim around--the movement I felt so much before she was born and would tell P she was everywhere at once--so we'll let her lay there after a diaper change and just talk with her a bit. Last week she started SCREAMING while doing this. I realized that the hand on her head had clenched into a fist and she was pulling her hair! It was tough prying her fingers apart.
If you haven't seen our newborn pictures, go to www.lauradavisphotography.com. Click on client proofing, newborn collection, Isla, then enter our last name as a password. Love them!
Almost done pumping--yep, TMI but that's when I'm on the computer!--so back to bed!
P's been fighting a cough for a week and I seem to have gotten one too. Hope Isla can keep from getting it!
Isla likes to lay on her changing table and just swim around--the movement I felt so much before she was born and would tell P she was everywhere at once--so we'll let her lay there after a diaper change and just talk with her a bit. Last week she started SCREAMING while doing this. I realized that the hand on her head had clenched into a fist and she was pulling her hair! It was tough prying her fingers apart.
If you haven't seen our newborn pictures, go to www.lauradavisphotography.com. Click on client proofing, newborn collection, Isla, then enter our last name as a password. Love them!
Almost done pumping--yep, TMI but that's when I'm on the computer!--so back to bed!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
A bit of this, a bit of that.....
I know I haven't updated in awhile. Things have been pretty hectic. Seems like Isla and I haven't been spending much of our days at home. I don't see myself getting out of my monkey pants today though (unless she spits up all over them). P's been coughing for a week and it seems to have attacked me last night. GGGGRRR. Need to find out if there's anything I can take since I'm still breastfeeding.
Isla's been the little traveller--she's been to two new states (Illinois and Kentucky) and yesterday she took Grandma and I to St. Louis to pick up Daddy's new car. After we got back last night I went to the local Honda dealership and traded my Toyota for a CR-V.
Isla had a really good weight check last week--she'd gained 12 ounces in a week and was 8 pounds 3 ounces at the doctor's office. Unfortunately the cereal the doctor had us add to her formula for reflux seemed to making her really strain to have a bowel movement. We got back on the cereal and she's not straining but she's also back to not wanting to eat as much as she should. I weighed her last night and she hasn't gained anything in the 5 days since she was at the doctor's office. We're going to give her more cereal again--hopefully a more gradual increase will be easier on her. If she's still straining I'll ask the doctor what we can do about that.
I think Isla's trying to wake up. Hopefully she'll take another bottle and go back to sleep a bit so I can too.
Hopefully I'll update more in a day or so. I've been playing with our new camcorder and need to learn how to transfer video to the computer.
Isla's been the little traveller--she's been to two new states (Illinois and Kentucky) and yesterday she took Grandma and I to St. Louis to pick up Daddy's new car. After we got back last night I went to the local Honda dealership and traded my Toyota for a CR-V.
Isla had a really good weight check last week--she'd gained 12 ounces in a week and was 8 pounds 3 ounces at the doctor's office. Unfortunately the cereal the doctor had us add to her formula for reflux seemed to making her really strain to have a bowel movement. We got back on the cereal and she's not straining but she's also back to not wanting to eat as much as she should. I weighed her last night and she hasn't gained anything in the 5 days since she was at the doctor's office. We're going to give her more cereal again--hopefully a more gradual increase will be easier on her. If she's still straining I'll ask the doctor what we can do about that.
I think Isla's trying to wake up. Hopefully she'll take another bottle and go back to sleep a bit so I can too.
Hopefully I'll update more in a day or so. I've been playing with our new camcorder and need to learn how to transfer video to the computer.
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