Thursday, June 24, 2010


I went to a sushi making class that the nutritionist at HealthPoint did Monday night. Last night I had to stop at Schnucks and buy a bamboo mat, some seaweed, sushi rice.... My sushi attempts last night were a little messy but tasty. I tried again tonight and did 100% better. I thought about taking pictures tonight but 1. I have a bunch of pictures already to download, 2. the camera is in my car and I was too lazy to go get it, and 3. I figure next time will be even better!

Saturday we're going to St. Louis to see friends and go to specialty grocery stores. I can't wait!

And Isla update--she figured out how screeching happens today and kept exercising her screech!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rollin', teethin' and raspberries

As of last weekend, we can roll both ways. Isla put herself on her tummy Sunday night and slept all night long. Most nights since then, however, she's repeatedly awakened herself trying to roll over and get comfy. Last night she was up several times and has been pretty cranky off and on today--since gnawing on my fingers is the most comforting activity, I suspect she's having some teething pain.

Raspberries are a source of entertainment for us this weekend. She loves to look at us, stick out her tongue and spit. It's so darn cute!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Size matters....

Isla wore primarly newborn clothes until she was over 3 months old. Most of our 0-3 month clothes were winter items so I had to pick up a few warm weather outfits in that size (darn--mommy had to shop!). Last week those were suddenly too small and we're wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes now! And yesterday I realized she had a big stash of 3-6 month clothes in her closet with the tags on them still so now we have a whole new wardrobe.

She a little piggy yesterday but I think it caught up to her today. We still have to thicken her formula with oatmeal--she won't take it without any cereal in it. Increased formula means increased cereal which means increased fiber which means belly ache. Poor baby has been fussy and gasy today. I've been trying to put as little cereal in the bottle as possible because I've been afraid of fiber bombing her belly with the oatmeal. She ate some prunes after church today (yumm-o)so hopefully something will happen when she wakes up from her nap.

Isla has really started laughing out loud the past week or so. Her cousin J can really get her laughing. He's been hanging out with Grandma for a few weeks this summer so he's been helping babysit. He went to the mall with me and Isla yesterday and was a great help to have around.

The big thing on my things to do list is to start teaching. I finished my Masters Degree last summer and am going to start teaching a class for an online school hopefully next month (gotta complete their training program and officially get hired--training starts this weekend). I hope I like it and they like me. If it goes well, some serious consideration will be given to the employment situation. Part of the reason I finished my Masters was so I could explore teaching. The idea of being at home more keeps getting more and more appealing as Isla becomes more and more aware of things. But I still need to start deciding what we want to do daycare-wise after the beginning of the year when the grandmas' contracts are up.

More later. STILL need to upload some video!