I had to leave work sick Thursday and also had to stay home Friday. By Friday afternoon I was feeling better but Friday night, Isla got sick. Not sure if hers was the same bug, just affected her a little differently or if hers was something she ate. Thankfully after a few rounds of vomiting, she was back to sleep and was fine yesterday morning.
The past few days Isla has shown us that she knows the sign for "more" a few times. Tonight my mom and I were showing my dad what the sign is and Isla started doing it again. And I'm pretty sure she was signing "eat" one day last week as I changed her diaper first thing in the morning.
It's also obvious that her receptive language skills continue to grow. I asked her this morning if she wanted to call Grandma and she started reaching toward the phone saying "hi." Anytime "outside" was mentioned today, she reached for the door.
She's saying "dog" now also.
Tonight I went to the store and Daddy took her out of the bathroom three times before actually acquiescing the fourth time when she went in, stood at the tub, and leaned over it trying to get in. So she had her second bath for the day.
I don't think time change is going to be too hard on us. She was up at her usual time this morning even though her body SHOULD have thought it was 4:45. My body certainly did. She still went to bed around her usual time tonight so hopefully tomorrow morning will go as usual.
A four year old, a baby, and working with the foster care system. How many feet will we end up with?
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
All bottled up....
Apparently my baby doesn't take a bottle anymore. For the past few weeks, she was down to just a bedtime bottle. Over the course of the last week, she cut that down to just an ounce a night so last night we went to bed without a bottle. Didn't bother my big girl at all. We did the same thing tonight. Her milk intake is great--usually around 20 ounces a day (recommendation is between 16-24 ounces) and she's been eating good since we got her back on her reflux meds. She's her momma's baby and could live off carbs, but we're getting some healthier options in there too. She loves peanut butter banana smoothies and I learned from other mommy-bloggers to put spinach in there too. You can't taste it and it adds lots of healthy stuff.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
We usually give Isla a spoon while she's eating. Typically it ends up in the floor with the dog fairly early in the meal process but lately she's been paying more attention to it. Sometimes she'll even try to use it. This morning I tried putting some of her scrambled on it for her and handing it to her. She put it to her mouth and ate it, just like a big girl! Yeah!!! Anytime I say yeah, she claps. So it quickly became a game....momma gave her some eggs on her spoon, she'd slowly take the spoon to her mouth and eat them, hand me back the spoon with a big grin, clap and wait for more eggs. So big!!
She LOVES scrambled eggs (with cheese of course) and the texture, size, etc seems good to practice using a spoon with. Yeah Isla!!
She LOVES scrambled eggs (with cheese of course) and the texture, size, etc seems good to practice using a spoon with. Yeah Isla!!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Tidbits of stuff
There are several things I want to record here that I just haven't had the chance to yet. Hopefully I'll have time to expand on some of these soon....
1. I can't believe how much you LOVE your books! There are nights that you touch none of your other toys, just your books. And you love the library at daycare too.
2. At daycare there's a window between your room and the bigger kid room. Its just a few inches off the floor so you can sit there and enteract with the other kids through the window. Last week your teacher said that there's a new little girl in the other class and she's been crying a lot. You see her crying and you sit there blowing kisses to her.
3. You are REALLY into the kisses lately! When I pick up your coat, you start blowing kisses to your teachers.
4. You still cry most mornings when I drop you off, but otherwise the separation anxiety is getting much better. You randomly reach for people now, including some strange old woman in line at Wal-Mart last weekend. I think you made her day with your smiles. Today you reached for Miss E as we were leaving daycare.
5. You are getting very good at making your wants known---whining and reaching for them mostly. You've even started leaning over towards your crib at night and whimpering to go to bed. Looks like you're outgrowing being rocked to sleep. Sigh.
6. Food is your friend the last few days! After weeks of barely touching anything at daycare or barely eating anything other than Kix cereal, momma started you back on reflux meds last week. I don't know if that's doing it or not, but you're eating, sleeping better, and seem happier. You still love your Kix, avocado is still a favorite, and you'll try about anything momma's eating. A week or so ago you wouldn't eat your Gerber ravioli, but when you were on momma's lap you started opening your mouth following momma's chopsticks around. So you had some seaweed and octupus from momma's salad. You liked it!
7. We started water babies class last week. You like putting your face in the water. Last night you also decided you liked "jumping" in. You'd lean toward the side of the pool, reach, and whine until I'd take you over to the side and stand you at the edge of the pool. Then you'd bend your knees and ready to jump until I'd take you and "jump" you into the water.
8. Momma had a big oopsie moment last night--she forgot to take a diaper to the gym to put on you when we got dressed after we got out of the pool. So you came home with a gym towel wrapped around you under your clothes. Luckily we came straight home.
9. You still don't trust yourself to walk. Momma's anxious for you to start walking even though I know it's going to be harder once you do.
10. You love Speckles. You just squeal when we get home and she's dancing around, excited to see us. You try to share food, but haven't learned yet that once you give her a bite, you don't get it back. I thought you were going to take a bite of her puppy treat before giving it to her this morning though.
I'm sure I'll think of more as soon as I go to bed. But for now, it's time to say good night, go take a shower, and go to bed.
1. I can't believe how much you LOVE your books! There are nights that you touch none of your other toys, just your books. And you love the library at daycare too.
2. At daycare there's a window between your room and the bigger kid room. Its just a few inches off the floor so you can sit there and enteract with the other kids through the window. Last week your teacher said that there's a new little girl in the other class and she's been crying a lot. You see her crying and you sit there blowing kisses to her.
3. You are REALLY into the kisses lately! When I pick up your coat, you start blowing kisses to your teachers.
4. You still cry most mornings when I drop you off, but otherwise the separation anxiety is getting much better. You randomly reach for people now, including some strange old woman in line at Wal-Mart last weekend. I think you made her day with your smiles. Today you reached for Miss E as we were leaving daycare.
5. You are getting very good at making your wants known---whining and reaching for them mostly. You've even started leaning over towards your crib at night and whimpering to go to bed. Looks like you're outgrowing being rocked to sleep. Sigh.
6. Food is your friend the last few days! After weeks of barely touching anything at daycare or barely eating anything other than Kix cereal, momma started you back on reflux meds last week. I don't know if that's doing it or not, but you're eating, sleeping better, and seem happier. You still love your Kix, avocado is still a favorite, and you'll try about anything momma's eating. A week or so ago you wouldn't eat your Gerber ravioli, but when you were on momma's lap you started opening your mouth following momma's chopsticks around. So you had some seaweed and octupus from momma's salad. You liked it!
7. We started water babies class last week. You like putting your face in the water. Last night you also decided you liked "jumping" in. You'd lean toward the side of the pool, reach, and whine until I'd take you over to the side and stand you at the edge of the pool. Then you'd bend your knees and ready to jump until I'd take you and "jump" you into the water.
8. Momma had a big oopsie moment last night--she forgot to take a diaper to the gym to put on you when we got dressed after we got out of the pool. So you came home with a gym towel wrapped around you under your clothes. Luckily we came straight home.
9. You still don't trust yourself to walk. Momma's anxious for you to start walking even though I know it's going to be harder once you do.
10. You love Speckles. You just squeal when we get home and she's dancing around, excited to see us. You try to share food, but haven't learned yet that once you give her a bite, you don't get it back. I thought you were going to take a bite of her puppy treat before giving it to her this morning though.
I'm sure I'll think of more as soon as I go to bed. But for now, it's time to say good night, go take a shower, and go to bed.
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