Isla asked to go to bed tonight. Ok, so not quite as formally as the title suggests, but she asked nonetheless. She's been one tired little girl the past two days since she moved up to the big class at daycare. She sits at a table to eat, has one nap a day on a cot, and goes outside a lot more. They said she's been doing great with the new routine and her new friends. The only downside to this is that she's been too tired to eat supper the last two nights. But I digress.
Isla was tired and clingy this evening. Not terribly fussy, but still obviously tired. Bedtime is usually 7:00 so I didn't want her going to bed before 6:00 for fear of an early, early morning tomorrow. She was playing at 6:00 and I was sitting on the couch. About 6:15 she looked at me and said "nigh? nigh?" and pointed down the hallway.
"Night, night? Are you ready for bed?" And she took off down the hallway, to her room, to her crib, pulling on the bars. I picked her up and got a good night hug. I asked if she wanted to cuddle with momma in the rocking chair a little bit but when we sat down, she reached for her crib again so we said our prayers and I put her in her bed. Haven't heard a peak out of her since.
What a big girl!
A four year old, a baby, and working with the foster care system. How many feet will we end up with?
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
A couple little stories...
Isla loves her ice cream. The other day we were sitting outside and she was eating ice cream just as fast as I could shovel it in. All the sudden she let out an "AAAACK" and grabbed her head. Guess Baby Girl has had her first brain freeze. After a few moments she opened up for another bite.
I've been asking Isla where Momma's baby girl is. I'll cradle her in my arms and do a sing-songy "aaaaaaggggghhhhh" and say "there's momma's baby girl." She was sitting on my lap tonight and I cradled her dollie with the same "aaaagggghhhhh." She looked at me and laid back in my other arm and said "aaaaaghhhhh." A few minutes later she pretty much curled up in my arms and closed her eyes to go to sleep. She's been pretty clingy and attached to me today, but it was still sweet.
We've been adamant that we won't bring Isla into bed with us at night. She'll play on our bed with us in the mornings and she's napped on our bed a time or two during the day, but we don't want her actually sleeping with us. This morning at 4, the resolve wasn't so strong. She was mad that she was even awake, neither of us could calm her in her rocking chair, and putting her back in her bed didn't work either. P thought to give her some Tylenol and I had him bring her to me. I sat up on our bed holding her while she fought me, waiting for the Tylenol to kick in. As her teething pain eased up, she started to relax, I sang her song, and she went to sleep. In fear of waking the sleeping monster, I just laid her in our bed. P left for work around 6:15. She just turned over, stuck her butt in the air, and continued sleeping. Around 7:30, she stirred and opened her eyes, but closed them again as I rubbed her back. Finally a few minutes before 8, she opened both eyes, sat up, and gave me a kiss. What a way to begin a day!
I've been asking Isla where Momma's baby girl is. I'll cradle her in my arms and do a sing-songy "aaaaaaggggghhhhh" and say "there's momma's baby girl." She was sitting on my lap tonight and I cradled her dollie with the same "aaaagggghhhhh." She looked at me and laid back in my other arm and said "aaaaaghhhhh." A few minutes later she pretty much curled up in my arms and closed her eyes to go to sleep. She's been pretty clingy and attached to me today, but it was still sweet.
We've been adamant that we won't bring Isla into bed with us at night. She'll play on our bed with us in the mornings and she's napped on our bed a time or two during the day, but we don't want her actually sleeping with us. This morning at 4, the resolve wasn't so strong. She was mad that she was even awake, neither of us could calm her in her rocking chair, and putting her back in her bed didn't work either. P thought to give her some Tylenol and I had him bring her to me. I sat up on our bed holding her while she fought me, waiting for the Tylenol to kick in. As her teething pain eased up, she started to relax, I sang her song, and she went to sleep. In fear of waking the sleeping monster, I just laid her in our bed. P left for work around 6:15. She just turned over, stuck her butt in the air, and continued sleeping. Around 7:30, she stirred and opened her eyes, but closed them again as I rubbed her back. Finally a few minutes before 8, she opened both eyes, sat up, and gave me a kiss. What a way to begin a day!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Little Miss Attitude!
Isla Bee-
I'm sitting here trying to organize my thoughts on everything you're doing right now. I just can't. I'd have to blog an hour a day to even start to keep up with you right now. And since I'm trying to keep up with you right now, I don't have time to do that!
Your little personality is growing and expanding. We watch you and see you learn and try to figure things out. You are independent, loving, nurturing, stubborn (Daddy's fault), smart, and so, so amazing. You love being outside and have recently decided if momma doesn't take you out whenever you go to the door, it might be because you don't have your sweater on so you go get your sweater, then try going to the door again.
You understand so much of what we say to you. I asked if you were ready for a bath last night and you took off down the hallway, walked into the bathroom, and tried to pull back the curtain. You know that that little lever in the bathtub has something to do with the water leaving before you're ready to end your bath. And you also know that it comes out of that big spigot thing. Last night when momma needed you to get out of the tub before you were ready, I started draining out the water. When you realized what was happening, you leaned over and looked up the spigot to try to figure out how to get more water in your bathtub.
One of your (and MY!) favorite games right now is Hug Game. Momma and Daddy both sit in the floor and run (well, as much as you right yet) to one of us with your arms stretched out for a big hug. Then you turn around and run to the other one, arms out. Momma can get 20 or 30 hugs a session this way! Sometimes it turns into Kiss Game too. You're usually more willing to share hugs with Momma and kisses with Daddy. I found little books for you called Momma Hugs and Daddy Kisses. So cute and appropriate!
When we were in Nashville two weeks ago, you quickly picked up that Uncle Tommy's grandkids call him Poppa and you started saying that so Grandma and I are trying to get you to start calling Grandpa Poppa or PopPop. You light up whenever you see your Grandpa. You're pretty crazy about your Grandma but you're so funny. We went to their house the other day and Grandma met us at the door. You smiled when you saw her, but you quickly started looking around for PopPop too. Once you decided he wasn't there, you started playing with Grandma. Until he came inside. You seem to understand him whenever he comes in from working outside and says he has to go get cleaned up before he can take you.
One thing we're really working on learning now is helping out. You're really good at helping put up your bath tub toys (although I expect this to end as soon as you realize that when those get put away, Momma takes you out of the tub) and picking up blocks and toys to put in your toy chest. Another focus is trying to get you to not throw your cup whenever you're done with it. You do not like it on your tray if you do not want another drink RIGHT NOW so you tend to toss it in the floor. Poor Speckles has gotten hit in the head a time or two. Daddy and I have gotten bad about letting you carry your cup around in the evening also and you throw it down too. I don't know how many times I've repeated "we give Momma the cup whenever we're done with it" in the past 2 weeks. You're starting to remember though.
You are a pretty focused little girl. I'm really surprised at how long you can concentrate on some things. This is good, but it also means you're hard to distract when you fixate on something. There's that stubbornness.
Oh, you blow your nose already! Grandma and I are both surprised by this--I even read something the other day that said most kids are a few years old before they figure out how to do this, but 9 times out of 10, if I put a tissue to your nose and tell you to blow, you can do it.
Goodness baby girl, I know I'm missing so many other things that you're up to these days. I want to tell you everything so you know how much I treasure every moment and every ounce of you. I love my Isla Bee.
Here are a few more pictures....
The one is a picture of what's in my garden. Last Friday Isla and I went outside to tell Mother Nature good night and found a rabbit in my garden. She was sitting there nursing her babies.

I'm sitting here trying to organize my thoughts on everything you're doing right now. I just can't. I'd have to blog an hour a day to even start to keep up with you right now. And since I'm trying to keep up with you right now, I don't have time to do that!
Your little personality is growing and expanding. We watch you and see you learn and try to figure things out. You are independent, loving, nurturing, stubborn (Daddy's fault), smart, and so, so amazing. You love being outside and have recently decided if momma doesn't take you out whenever you go to the door, it might be because you don't have your sweater on so you go get your sweater, then try going to the door again.
You understand so much of what we say to you. I asked if you were ready for a bath last night and you took off down the hallway, walked into the bathroom, and tried to pull back the curtain. You know that that little lever in the bathtub has something to do with the water leaving before you're ready to end your bath. And you also know that it comes out of that big spigot thing. Last night when momma needed you to get out of the tub before you were ready, I started draining out the water. When you realized what was happening, you leaned over and looked up the spigot to try to figure out how to get more water in your bathtub.
One of your (and MY!) favorite games right now is Hug Game. Momma and Daddy both sit in the floor and run (well, as much as you right yet) to one of us with your arms stretched out for a big hug. Then you turn around and run to the other one, arms out. Momma can get 20 or 30 hugs a session this way! Sometimes it turns into Kiss Game too. You're usually more willing to share hugs with Momma and kisses with Daddy. I found little books for you called Momma Hugs and Daddy Kisses. So cute and appropriate!
When we were in Nashville two weeks ago, you quickly picked up that Uncle Tommy's grandkids call him Poppa and you started saying that so Grandma and I are trying to get you to start calling Grandpa Poppa or PopPop. You light up whenever you see your Grandpa. You're pretty crazy about your Grandma but you're so funny. We went to their house the other day and Grandma met us at the door. You smiled when you saw her, but you quickly started looking around for PopPop too. Once you decided he wasn't there, you started playing with Grandma. Until he came inside. You seem to understand him whenever he comes in from working outside and says he has to go get cleaned up before he can take you.
One thing we're really working on learning now is helping out. You're really good at helping put up your bath tub toys (although I expect this to end as soon as you realize that when those get put away, Momma takes you out of the tub) and picking up blocks and toys to put in your toy chest. Another focus is trying to get you to not throw your cup whenever you're done with it. You do not like it on your tray if you do not want another drink RIGHT NOW so you tend to toss it in the floor. Poor Speckles has gotten hit in the head a time or two. Daddy and I have gotten bad about letting you carry your cup around in the evening also and you throw it down too. I don't know how many times I've repeated "we give Momma the cup whenever we're done with it" in the past 2 weeks. You're starting to remember though.
You are a pretty focused little girl. I'm really surprised at how long you can concentrate on some things. This is good, but it also means you're hard to distract when you fixate on something. There's that stubbornness.
Oh, you blow your nose already! Grandma and I are both surprised by this--I even read something the other day that said most kids are a few years old before they figure out how to do this, but 9 times out of 10, if I put a tissue to your nose and tell you to blow, you can do it.
Goodness baby girl, I know I'm missing so many other things that you're up to these days. I want to tell you everything so you know how much I treasure every moment and every ounce of you. I love my Isla Bee.
Here are a few more pictures....
The one is a picture of what's in my garden. Last Friday Isla and I went outside to tell Mother Nature good night and found a rabbit in my garden. She was sitting there nursing her babies.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Wow---3 posts in 1 night!

These pics are from a dear friend's recent wedding. The photographer got several pictures of Isla and was kind enough to send me a disk with the pics she took. Check out her blog at I love these shots of Isla and have been very impressed with the other wedding pics I've seen also.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Take two!
We had a great weekend even though it started off a little rough. I left work early Friday to go to the doctor. Strep. There went my Friday afternoon plans. Saturday we drove to Nashville--a nice drive although the last 20 miles took 2 hours. We went to Bicentennial Park and to the Farmer's Market Friday night. It rained on us on the way there, but once we got there the weather was beautiful. Unfortunately the fountains in the park were damaged in last year's flooding so we didn't get to see those. Sunday we went to Centennial Park and I got to practice shooting with my new lens. We had lunch with my aunt and uncle and they watched Isla while we went to a Renaissance fair. We went to the zoo before coming home Monday. Baby Girl slept for over 2 hours on the way home, I got to stop for one of my favorite soups, and we made it home early evening.
What a weekend!
Oh my! I just spend 30 minutes writing a post about our great weekend and was almost done when my fingers hit something that erased it all. And it autosaved over the draft copy. And someone is going to wake up from her nap hungry any minute now. I'll try to take it again later tonight while P's at a movie.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
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