Long time, no update. Guess it's a good thing no one is actually following this--they'd think I'd fallen off the edge of the earth.
I've been taking progesterone the past 2 weeks. Dr. H wanted me to start taking it a few days after ovulation, until my period starts. I started it around a week after I ovulated (just a timing thing) and now I'm a week late. Pee sticks are negative. Guess it's just the progesterone delaying things. I want to stop taking it so AF will come soon--I haven't have one since the last m/c and I really want to get it over with.
We went to see Alyson and Joe last week. Lots of fun! Friday morning we spent a frigid morning zipping about the lakeshore on Segways. Saturday Alyson and I went to IKEA and I dragged her around forever being indecisive. I ended up with a new tv stand, DVD shelves, a couple picture frames, and some organizing stuff. Saturday night our sweeties cooked a marvelous dinner for us. Sunday we drove home.
We have our flooring and are ready for Terry's spring break! In 2 weeks, Terry and P will be installing hardwood in our living room and hallway, and a new floor in the kitchen/dining room.
We are also well into making our vacations arrangements. I can't wait for May!
That's all for now!
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