The ultrasound Tuesday was EXCELLENT! Growth was a day ahead of the curve and the heartbeat was 167 beats per minute. Woo hoo!!
Meanwhile I've determined that I have to surround myself with positivity. I can't handle any suggestion that this baby won't make it. I worry enough on my own--I can't have that compounded by anyone else's negativity.
And now from the comic relief department...
Perhaps it's TMI, perhaps you will be amused. I'm sharing either way.
I've been having some pretty major gas issues in the afternoons, typically around going home time.
So yesterday, I went to the gym after work and I'm on the treadclimber trying to hold in the gas. Hhhmmm…maybe sitting on an exercise bike would work better. I'm on the bike awhile and start feeling sick. Nothing comes up in the bathroom at Healthpoint (was so greatful for the single bathroom back by the exercise class room and not having to be in the main bathroom as I was heaving). Leave the gym, pick up the dog, and go home.
Standing over the toilet at home, the gas decides its time to make a break for it.
Putt, putt, putt.
Poot, poot, poot.
Putt, putt.
I seriously sounded like a half dead engine, trying to rev up and dying out. Repeatedly.
And Laughing.
And to think yesterday morning I was upset and worried because I thought I'd been feeling too good.
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