So we know Rico's been moving up and growing--we find him with the doppler MUCH higher on my abdomen now than we did 6 weeks ago. At 20 weeks, the baby is supposed to be at mom's belly button. I'm at 17 weeks and this morning, I found him RIGHT NEXT to my belly button. Does that mean I'm carrying high? If so, which way is the old wive's tale supposed to go? Is high a boy or a girl?
I've taken some of the gender prediction quizes on line where they ask you a bunch of questions from different old wive's tales and then tell you what percentage of them say what. Things like--does your pillow face north or south, have you gained weight in your face, is the HB greater than 140....according to those, there's a 60-67% chance that Rico is actually Rica. Hopefully we'll find out what a more scientific ultrasound says in the next couple of weeks. If it says boy, I think I'll believe it. If it says girl, I'll probably be skeptical.
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