I left work early this afternoon so I could take one of the pups to the vet. He's been licking his paws a lot and I noticed yesterday that they're starting to get pink and tender. So I leave work and start to head toward Jackson to the vet's office. Luckily I realized before getting on the interstate that PERHAPS I should go home and get the dog first.
Bump was reasonably well behaved at the vet's office, but he seemed to either recognize the word "shot" or the site of the syringe and bottle (usually he's not that smart). When K knelt down in the floor to come near him with the syringe, Bump had positioned himself behind my legs. Nice. We pulled him out, he got his shot of steroids (it's probably an allergy thing), K warned me that Bump may be more thirsty than usual and not to be surprised if he has an accident, and we went on our way.
The plan was to take Bumper back home, change clothes, and meet L at the gym in the warm water pool. I put on my suit, some shorts, tshirt, and sandals and headed to the gym. I got to the end of the street and realized that MAYBE I should take a bra and a pair of panties to put on after I get out of the water so I can leave the gym respectably.
Really, these things have to be due to pregnancy brain. That or I'm turning into my mother.
Laughing at how funny that would be to show up at the vet with no animal!