Isla goes back to the doctor this afternoon to see if she's made it back to her birth weight. I think she has, but if she fills a diaper before we go she might not have. Its going to be close.
I have some more pictures to upload. Hopefully I can do that in the next day or two. Its hard to find time to do such things.
I'm still trying to breastfeed but have to supplement with formula. So she breastfeeds, then gets a bottle, then (most of the time) I try to pump. I'm pumping more than I was. It seems like she's BFing better than she was, but that's hard to tell. The eating process takes about an hour, sometimes longer if she's fussy when I'm trying to pump. She usually stays awake a little while after the process, then takes a cat nap and I have to wake her up at 3 hours (that's after its been 3 hours since she ate, not 3 hours of a nap!). At night we'll let her go 4 hours. P's been getting up for the midnight-1 am feeding--it usually takes about 30 minutes after she's done eating to get her back to sleep after that feeding. If there's BF in the fridge, she gets that then, otherwise she gets formula and mommy gets to sleep. I get up for the 4ish feeding and Isla and I go back to sleep about the time P goes to work. I think this is working better than when I was doing the first feeding and P was doing the second--he was having to just stay up and go to work which made for a tired boy. And it works much better than when I was trying to do both feedings! This weekend P's on call though so I don't want him trying to get up with her in case he ends up having to go to work too. I'm going to ask my mom if she can come over Saturday and Sunday mornings to let me get some rest.
Isla's been laying/propping up in her boppy pillow some. She loved the boppy when she was at the photographers last week (can't wait to see those proofs!) so we've been trying some here. We've laid on our play mat a little this week too, but its still a little early for that. She's really practicing holding her head up when she's laying on our chests and she's tracking better and starting to turn to voices. Mom insists she knows Grandma's voice.
Well, Buttercup is waking up from her cat nap. We have a little time to talk and play before we leave for the doctor's office. I'll write more and upload pics when I get a chance.
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