So much is going on in the life of a one year old! Day care is going great—-Grandma picked you up one day last week and I came home to a picture on the refrigerator. I need to take a picture of your artwork and post it here. Miss B told me you colored for 25 minutes before you started eating the crayons! Such a big girl! Today you got to paint. I haven't seen your artwork yet but I'm sure it's beautiful. I’m glad you’re able to do so many different activities there and are starting to play with friends there.
Yesterday Miss B gave me the highest compliment possible when I picked you up. She said you play with their books more than any child she’s ever seen your age. She thinks you’re going to be very intelligent and artistic. Daddy says you already are.
The one drawback about day care is you cry pretty much every day when I leave you. Breaks. My. Heart. I know it doesn’t last long—one day I went out to the car to get something and came right back in and you’d already stopped crying. Another day I couldn’t hear you anymore by the time I got to the main entrance. You’re always excited to see Momma when I get there in the afternoon. Best moments of my day are seeing that smile of recognition when I walk in the room.
Your eating has been better the past week or so. We took away your first morning bottle so you’re hungry for breakfast now (and sometimes mad at us because you want that bottle). Last week you age breakfast twice most days (3 times Saturday). You got up at 5 (we need to work on that) and Momma fed you, then you took a nap after you got to school and wanted breakfast again then. You LOVE scrambled eggs so Momma has been fixing those for you every other day or so. You also love cereal. And the child we could have easily weaned from the bottle at 6 months, has developed a great fondness for it at a year. Luckily Dr. S says that’s okay, she just wants you off of it by 18 months so you have another 5 ½ months to change your mind. Hopefully you’ll just kind of lose interest in them and we don’t have to have a cold turkey intervention. Sunday night you reached into your diaper bag and pulled out a bottle you’d been drinking out of a few minutes before and said “ba-ba.” Miss B says most of what you drink at daycare is out of the sippy cup. You see N drinking out of his cup and just go with the flow. They still give you a bottle occasionally for comfort. Momma needs to find out more about how often that is cause you still wanted both daytime bottles at home this past weekend.
One challenge we’re having at home these days is getting you to bed. Going down for the night the first time isn’t usually too bad, but you wake up around 4 in the morning (when you used to have a bottle) and Momma can’t get you back to bed. You fight and squirm. If I do get you back to sleep, you wake up as soon as I try to put you in bed and start crying again. Usually Momma tries for about 20-30 minutes, then Daddy has to come in and take over. He has the magic touch these days. Maybe he should just get up in the first place—I get up with you and then can’t get back to sleep. Daddy deals with interrupted sleep better than Momma. Occupational training.
You started the cutest thing a few days ago--I don't know if you learned it at daycare or if you just picked it up on your own. You'll take a drink out of your cup, then say "aaaahhhh."
The other thing you seem to have started is sucking your thumb. Seems like the left one is your favorite. We'll see how that goes.
I love the picture posted right below this post. It’s one C took at your birthday party. Some days I just look at the pictures of you on here and can’t help but tear up. My baby girl is growing up so, so fast.
This is the best time ever!! They change every day!