One big change coming up is that I'm going to be a stay at home mom awhile! I never in a million years thought I would want that, but Isla changed everything. I hope to be able to go back to my current job for 2 days a week, but I have to be off awhile for that to happen, and the agency budget and workload has to support it. They don't expect it to be a problem, but no promises. I'm nervous and excited and thrilled and scared and....
Isla will stay in daycare. Her daycare is actually a "babies" daycare, then they have a "kids" daycare next door once they turn two. The babies side doesn't do part-time enrollment, but the kids side does. So we'll be paying full-time daycare until January, then she can just be enrolled two days if I'm only working two days. My Mom said she'd help me out and take her one of my days off so I can clean house and things like that.
Clean house. Sigh. I have to fire my cleaning lady. P said we could try it awhile and see how expenses go, but I can't justify spending the money to have someone else clean if I'm quitting work to focus on taking care of my family. I'll also be taking back over the mowing. Cutting out those two expenses will roughly save us enough to cover the cost of adding me to P's health insurance. So at least I'll be able to go to the ER if I run over my foot with the lawnmower. (Actually I don't really mind mowing, although I'll be taking over in the worst of the summer heat and will most likely need to do it during the daytime when I can take Isla to daycare.) Cleaning I do mind.
So that's the news here. I haven't downloaded pics from my camera in awhile, but I think I have a couple from my phone.... The one of her sitting outside at her picnic table was right after she got out of the hospital--baby girl doesn't have room to lose weight when she's sick! I think she's gained back what she lost when she was sick. The swimming pool was pre-sick and the ice cream cone was the first thing she was excited about eating after she got out of the hospital.
I love love that you take so many photos! Keep it up. You will be so glad you did it.