And I will be unemployed for the first time since I was 16 years old. Hopefully I'll end up working part-time but for now, I'll have plenty of time to devote to projects around the house and spending time with my baby girl. Our daycare doesn't do part-time enrollment until they turn 2 so for the next 6 months I'll be able to take her there everyday, go to the gym, work on projects, then pick her up after nap time. I figure she'll probably be there about 5-6 hours a day when I'm not working--much better than 10 hours! We're going to have library afternoon each week--I introduced her to our wonderful public library a few weeks ago and she loved it. And I'm going to get a pass to Discovery Playhouse so we can go there one afternoon a week. Grandma's one afternoon, grocery shopping one afternoon....
Then when she turns 2 and I'm (hopefully) working 2 days a week, she'll probably be at daycare all day 2 days a week, then spend an afternoon each week with Grandma so Momma can clean the house. We'll go to storytime at the library, play at the Playhouse, go on picnics in the park.... I never expected to want to be a stay at home mom, but right now, it's my dream job. (Good thing I finished that Masters Degree before she was born! HA!)
I have a long list of projects that I've been writing for weeks (I gave almost 6 weeks notice at work). Now that we're done to just a few more days of work, I'm revisiting the list, trying to decide where to start. We've lived here a little over 4 years now. I've been used to moving every few years and purging as I packed. We have no plans to move so I need to do a thorough cleaning and purging. A big garage sale is in my future. Plus my dad is wanting to go set up and sale at a flea market so I'll go with him and do that a time or two this fall. I've also told him I'll help him clean up a rental house he has that will be vacated in the next week or 2. And I need to finish the makeover on our kitchen. And I have a huge pile of things I want to put on eBay. And self-study projects I want to work on--learning how to use my camera better, Photoshop, bow making, things to sew.... And there are 2 or 3 big ongoing projects at church that I'm interested in. And cooking! I miss trying new recipes instead of just throwing something quick together. And I've joked that I want my dad to teach me how to put in our bathroom downstairs--may not be a joke!! I've wanted to learn how to do more DIY projects around the house for a long time. He taught my brothers how to build houses--he can teach me how to install a toilet!!
But for this week, I work. Patrick is making dinner for us Monday night for my birthday. Tuesday afternoon I have to take off early to take Isla for a test. Then one of the girls from work is coming over to look through outgrown baby clothes and a couple of us are going for sushi. Wednesday my brother and I are taking each other to lunch for our birthdays (his is Saturday). Nothing is going on Thursday and Friday is LAST DAY!!
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