I must find time more often to sit down and record what Isla's doing these days. Each day there's something new and different. Not sure why I don't seem to have time to blog--since I've been off work, I've been helping my Dad, cleaned out the storage room and had a huge garage sale, have been trying to keep the house clean, have let P off of early morning get-up-with-Isla duty, and have been going to the gym six days a week. So much of my things-to-do list remains undone and after next week, I go back to work 2 days a week.
Some tidbits:
One night P and I were watching Toy Story 3 before Isla went to bed. She wasn't really paying attention, but when they go to the incinerator scenes, she started saying "Oh No! Oh NO!" while watching the screen. Guess we shouldn't have been surprised when sleep was interrupted 3 times that night with screaming episodes and once the next night. No more Toy Story before bed. She's really started to like television. I hate that, but it is nice that when she's cranky, we can sit and cuddle and have quiet time watching television.
One of her vidoes has "If you're happy and you know it." I tried to get her to do it last week and she wouldn't, but Monday night I was fixing dinner and noticed her clapping her hands, stomping her feet, and nodding her head to the music coming from the other room. They've been doing the song at daycare. It is SO cute. Must get that recorded!
Speech and language skills are improving daily. Saturday she kept babbling, asking for something. She was obviously saying the same thing repeatedly. Finally I realized it was "more rice. babble, babble. more rice." So I got that baby more rice. Yesterday morning she was playing with the little toy where the animals pop up when they turn a little dial, press a button, etc. She'd put the snimals down and look up me, hold up her hands over her shoulders, palms up, and ask "Go?" Last night she sat on P's lap pointing things out as he'd ask here where the window, kitchen, couch, etc were.
She will get a box of cereal out of the pantry and hand it to me. If she wants it with milk, she goes to another cabinet, points and says "bowl." If she just wants it dry, she just gives me the box.
A couple days ago, I was pretty sure she told me something was green. It was. She has a little puzzle set that has a picture on one side and the corresponding piece is primarily just that color. She's been matching those up for a few weeks now. She doesn't know that one is blue, but she knows it's the blue whale. We're trying to identify as much as we can by color. The kid is a sponge.
I'm sure there are other tidbits I want to remember that I can't think of right now. I added a couple of things when I read over this to proof it. There will probably be more little "oh yeah, forgot that" posts in the next few days.
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