I wish there was a way to capture all the funny little things you do, Isla. All the silly, loving, smart things we see each day. Like how when we mention Winston you know you're going to get a sticker for her shirt and get your picture taken. Like sometimes when you see the camera, you automatically pose and say "cheeese." Like the way you look at us and try to say "rollercoaster" and give us a kiss when you want us to push you up in the air. Like the way you say Mo' Moush for Mickey Mouse and how excited you get when he comes on tv. Like the way you look at Daddy and point to Momma's mouth if he gives you a good-bye kiss before he gives Momma one. Like the way you were trying to push Momma and Daddy together on the couch the other night cause you wanted us to kiss. Like the way you line up your stuffed animals in front of your bed and want them just so. Like the way I heard you smooching in the back seat while I was driving this weekend as you kissed a page that the gang from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on it. Like the way you get so excited to see Pop Pop. Like the way you point to the floor and tell us to sit when you want us in the floor to play with us. Like the way you dance to music on tv and tell us to dance with you. Like the way insist on walking at times and if there are 2 people with you, you want someone to take each hand, but you usually take them on the wrong sides so you're standing backwards between us. Like..........
I love you funny girl.
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