Guess who found the create collage feature on Picasa? I really need to play with this feature!
Isla and I are settling in our new routine of only having daycare 2 days a week. She's decided she loves her new daycare and gets excited when we drive up our 2 mornings a week.
She also gets excited when we got to the gym in Jackson on Tuesday mornings, "I PLAY, I PLAY!" for Kids Bee Fit. Kids Bee Fit is a great program where the wonderful Miss Millie exercises and does activities with preschoolers. The have floor scooters, inflatable bumper things, hula hoops, and lots of other cool stuff. Each session ends with a nutrition lesson and Miss Millie stamps everybody's arms. It took a few weeks for Isla to participate (and I have to leave the room for her to do anything--workout time!) but she loves it now. We do that each Tuesday morning, and oh, what a wonderful nap follows!
On Thursdays we either go to Discovery Playhouse--the children's activity center in our town where we had her birthday party, Toddler Time at the local library, or once a month, we go with daycare to Kids Bee Fit again. Today was a Kids Bee Fit morning and the little kids were so cute walking along, holding onto the colored rings on their rope as they walked to the gym.
I've been trying different projects I've found on Pinterest during naptimes--I made her a rag quilt last week. Some friends and I are having montly Pinterest Parties to try new projects and recipes, and just have some momma time. Isla and I are going to host a Preschool Edition of the Pinterest party in a couple weeks and invite friends over to play, snack, and do crafts.
We find time to go to the gym most days. She usually hangs out at the gym's childcare area about twice a week. Mondays I go while she's still with Grandma and Tuesdays I exercise while she's at Kids Bee Fit so she doesn't have to go too many days a week---usually Thursdays and Saturday mornings.
I need to do better about turning off the TV and not letting her watch too much Mickey Mouse and Elmo. We watch some in the mornings--she nor I are morning people so the TV makes things a bit smoother. On days we're home, we then try to have some reading time in her room. I also need to wokr in some "lesson time." She's starting to identify some letters and numbers and I want to encourage that. After naptime we usually have some art activities and/or play outside.
Vocabulary is unbelievable at this point. I wouldn't be able to begin to count how many words she has and how many she understands. She pretty much babbles constantly unless she's watching TV or "writing." She loves to count, but gets stuck on 2. "1, 2, 2." I think she repeated "1, 2, 3, 4" after Big Bird one day. She's using pronouns more and more. "I see you!" is a favorite game. She knows most of her colors with pretty good consistency. She can also identify E, O, and I with pretty good consistency. Like I said, I want to start "lessons" with those. This morning I let her study the keyboard for different letters and push the buttons to see them on the screen. This seemed to hold her attention so we'll keep trying that. We've had mixed results with potty training. She was sick a few weeks ago and lost interst in sitting on the potty, but she's starting to get interested again. At daycare she's sitting on the potty most of the time the bigger kids have potty time. It didn't take her long to learn that sitting on the potty=getting a Skittle. Hopefully we can have some luck again soon catching her to actually GO potty that she'll start associating that with getting more Skittles. Last week, she sat on the potty saying "push, push" and passed gas three times in a row in the potty and got excited each time cause she thought she'd done something so I think she's starting to understand what to do.
Time for me to log off. Not sure I'll even have time to re-read this to edit my boo-boos. I gotta figure out what we're doing this afternoon--gym? Wal-Mart? Hobby Lobby? I have 2-3 hours worth of places to go and naptime could last until 3ish. Maybe I should go spend some time on the treadmill so I can cross the gym off the list. I also want to look at a couple online sales, figure out what I'm making for this weekend's Pinterest party (need to do that before the Wal-Mart trip!), and look more closely at the HubPage things. Later!
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