Looks like he's had a rough day, doesn't he? I looked over and he'd managed to shove his head under a pillow for a nap out of the sunshine.
This was a pretty rough week for me. Tuesday night was a really painful night, but Wednesday morning I felt a little better--the physical pain relieved some of the emotional pain. Still, it was a really hormonal week and I just wanted to curl up and not do anything most of the week. Last night was a emotional meltdown but I've felt better today. I'm so lucky to have P--I know this has all been hard on him too, plus he's had to deal with my sensitivity and hormones.
We go see the specialist in a couple of weeks. P ran into my doctor one day this week and she told him that the last lab panel we ran came back normal so hopefully we're dealing with no further complications than the MTHFR and my age. After the specialist appointment we'll talk about trying again--maybe we should wait until after vacation. I'm not ready to give up yet, but I'm not sure how many more tries I have in me. I know I can only try as many times as I can handle loss.
This week would have been the due date for the second pregnancy. I don't remember exactly what day--I think it was the 21st. If you're reading this, say a prayer for my lost Peanut.
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