We had our ultrasound. At first she couldn't find anything. ANYTHING. The tech let me pee and we moved on to a vaginal ultrasound. We saw the gestational sac. We saw a blob. It started flickering. A heartbeat. We know these things. We couldn't HEAR the heartbeat. We don't know how fast it was. We don't know how regular it was. We don't know what the final report said.
The tech first said I was only measuring about 5 weeks (this was before we even saw the fetus), later she said 6. And things are so early that a few days this way or that can make a huge difference in what is expected--in what normal is. Things are also rather subjective at this point. Was she measuring too fast? Was the cursor a fraction of a centimeter too far to the right? To the left?
But we are certain we saw the fetus. Our little blob. Our little Sprout. And we saw it flickering. Our little flicker. Our little heartbeat. On this day, we have a Sprout with a heartbeat. Praise God.
Hopefully tomorrow will bring a few more answers....the report findings, if the heartbeat was normal, when we'll get to check again. But for today, I rejoice.
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