Today's doctor's appointment went well. Things are still looking good, but I need to watch my blood pressure because it's creeping up and my ankles were a little puffy. She said to watch the sodium. Guess all that ham I've had since Thanksgiving wasn't the best choice. I was also chatting while my BP was being checked and that always seems to make it read a little higher.
I have my ultrasound to check amniotic fluid levels on Thursday. If it is still high, she said she'd send me back to see Dr. H, the maternal fetal med specialist. She said he'd probably do a level 3 ultrasound to check everything out and see what he thinks. Apparently levels are supposed to max out around 32 weeks so hopefully everything checks out fine Thursday. I like being "routine." There's enough to worry about as a routine patient. I don't like being a special concern. If I don't hear from them by Thursday afternoon, I'm supposed to call to make sure they got the ultrasound results--she wants to try to get me in to see the specialist when he's in town Monday or Tuesday next week if needed.
The nurse said that at my next appointment the waist down checks start. P should be able to go to that one with me--he's off that day to have a colonoscopy. Waist down checks seem like such a big deal!
A four year old, a baby, and working with the foster care system. How many feet will we end up with?
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Questions and tears....
Lately my head has been full of questions. Some the typical questions about pregnancy, some more about child rearing.
When do we have to stop watching Family Guy if Isla is in the room?
Do I have to stop listening to Kid Rock in the car once she's born?
What do we do with this kid?
I'm trying to dismiss these questions as we'll deal with them when the time comes.
Meanwhile, moodiness has kicked in. Big. Time. Thanksgiving was overwhelming--not sleeping well, lots of little things annoying me, then the dogs misbehaving....I just wanted to cry. Friday went somewhat better but I didn't do much. Yesterday we went to see my grandparents. I did much better with the 2 1/2 hour drive down there and back than I expected but my hips were really sore last night from sitting all day. This morning I just had to cry. Poor P, he just laid down next to me and listened, rubbing my back, assuring me that everything is normal and will be fine. He has a coworker due at the same time we are that's having the same issues--moving slowly, feeling tired, etc. We went to church after a good cry--Isla always seems to move a lot during church--did a few errands, walked the dogs, I took a nap, and went to the pool. I feel much better now.
On the positive side of things, I've done some random glucose checks because P was worried about that with the size of the baby, my "just barely" passing my screening, and my high levels of amniotic fluid. All have been good, including a 93 after eating lunch on Thanksgiving. I've been checking my blood pressure more too and that's been good.
After tomorrow it becomes "next month." Next month. Maybe we should focus on that still being "next year."
What are we doing?
When do we have to stop watching Family Guy if Isla is in the room?
Do I have to stop listening to Kid Rock in the car once she's born?
What do we do with this kid?
I'm trying to dismiss these questions as we'll deal with them when the time comes.
Meanwhile, moodiness has kicked in. Big. Time. Thanksgiving was overwhelming--not sleeping well, lots of little things annoying me, then the dogs misbehaving....I just wanted to cry. Friday went somewhat better but I didn't do much. Yesterday we went to see my grandparents. I did much better with the 2 1/2 hour drive down there and back than I expected but my hips were really sore last night from sitting all day. This morning I just had to cry. Poor P, he just laid down next to me and listened, rubbing my back, assuring me that everything is normal and will be fine. He has a coworker due at the same time we are that's having the same issues--moving slowly, feeling tired, etc. We went to church after a good cry--Isla always seems to move a lot during church--did a few errands, walked the dogs, I took a nap, and went to the pool. I feel much better now.
On the positive side of things, I've done some random glucose checks because P was worried about that with the size of the baby, my "just barely" passing my screening, and my high levels of amniotic fluid. All have been good, including a 93 after eating lunch on Thanksgiving. I've been checking my blood pressure more too and that's been good.
After tomorrow it becomes "next month." Next month. Maybe we should focus on that still being "next year."
What are we doing?
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Pregnancy brain...
P says he wants his smart wife back. I've warned him that A says that the brain cells don’t always come back. I've lost a number of things during this pregnancy…some I expect to turn back up, some are probably gone for good. Then there are the other pregnancy brain issues other than the losing things. Forgetting things seems particulary troublesome.
Saturday night I reached into my purse while we were in Best Buy. What is slimy in my purse??? I pull out a store receipt that is moist. And smells like bananas? The I remember the ripe banana I'd sat on the top of my purse a few days before as I walked out the door to work. And I realize I had not consumed said banana. Nor had I removed said banana from my purse. I look but don’t see anything (ok, looking for a ripe--now BLACK--banana in the bottom of a small, BLACK purse. At night. Not gonna see a lot). Then I notice some banana flesh oozing out of the split skin. Nice. I suddenly worry that I'm going to forget to remove the offending banana once we get home. Our next stop was Blockbuster so I tossed the fruit outside and hoped that there weren't too many banana guts which has oozed out. When I got home, I emptied everything and tossed the purse in the laundry.
Ugh. I want my brain cells back.
Saturday night I reached into my purse while we were in Best Buy. What is slimy in my purse??? I pull out a store receipt that is moist. And smells like bananas? The I remember the ripe banana I'd sat on the top of my purse a few days before as I walked out the door to work. And I realize I had not consumed said banana. Nor had I removed said banana from my purse. I look but don’t see anything (ok, looking for a ripe--now BLACK--banana in the bottom of a small, BLACK purse. At night. Not gonna see a lot). Then I notice some banana flesh oozing out of the split skin. Nice. I suddenly worry that I'm going to forget to remove the offending banana once we get home. Our next stop was Blockbuster so I tossed the fruit outside and hoped that there weren't too many banana guts which has oozed out. When I got home, I emptied everything and tossed the purse in the laundry.
Ugh. I want my brain cells back.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I'm never the most patient person, but me thinks the pregnancy hormones are making things worse. Today at the grocery store a new line opened and a woman moved from the long line to the new line but felt like she was jumping ahead of some man so she was telling him to go first, meanwhile I'd walked up before the man made it over to the new line. The two of them were standing there ARGUING in front of me over who should go first. The cashier standing the just watching them, and me standing there, resisting the urge to say "UM, HELLLOOO--pregnant lady with her arms full, could SOMEONE please go through the line already??"
Not the best day to also brave one of the many craft fairs in town. People everywhere. You can't see half the stuff because people just stand around with their heads stuck up their butts, not paying any attention to whether or not someone is trying to get around them, and just standing in front of tables so that you can't see half the stuff that's for sale.
It takes everything I have to keep my mouth shut some days.
I wish I hadn't kept my mouth shut one day last week. I'd parked at the fabric store with my mom, then after she left, I walked to Toys R Us next door. When I came back out, some bimbo in a Camero pulls into the handicapped space at the fabric store--no handicapped plates, no handicapped hang tag--and jogs into the toy store next door. She could have parked a dozen spaces out from the toy store and still been just as close, but no, she had to park in the blue space at the fabric store. She went running into the toy store with a piece of paper. I strongly suspect it was a job application. I started to follow her and go back in the toy store and (if it was an application), tell them what an inconsiderate bitch was applying to work there. But alas, this pregnant woman had been walking about for awhile and was too tired to walk back over to the toy store.
Now I'm watching My Super Sweet Sixteen. In general, these spoiled kids really annoy me, but on this one, Daddy McDollars is acting as bouncer and kicking kids out who are dancing too suggestively, made the girl get her dress altered so it doesn't show any cleavage, and only gave the birthday girl a motorbike for her birthday (instead of the Hummer limos that some kids on this show get).
I went to the doctor this week. Last week's ultrasound looked good except my levels of amniotic fluid were high so I'll have another ultrasound in two weeks to check on those. Dr. S said that since everything has been looking good with me and all my ultrasounds have looked good, she doesn't expect any consequence from the extra fluid other than she'll have to break my water. I didn't think to ask at the time if she just meant that I'll go into labor on my own and she'll have to do that or if she meant that I'll have to be induced. From what I've read, too much amniotic fluid frequently means induction to make sure when the water breaks, the cord doesn't come out. I'll ask her about this when I see her on the 30th. The next ultrasound is the 3rd.
More later-
Not the best day to also brave one of the many craft fairs in town. People everywhere. You can't see half the stuff because people just stand around with their heads stuck up their butts, not paying any attention to whether or not someone is trying to get around them, and just standing in front of tables so that you can't see half the stuff that's for sale.
It takes everything I have to keep my mouth shut some days.
I wish I hadn't kept my mouth shut one day last week. I'd parked at the fabric store with my mom, then after she left, I walked to Toys R Us next door. When I came back out, some bimbo in a Camero pulls into the handicapped space at the fabric store--no handicapped plates, no handicapped hang tag--and jogs into the toy store next door. She could have parked a dozen spaces out from the toy store and still been just as close, but no, she had to park in the blue space at the fabric store. She went running into the toy store with a piece of paper. I strongly suspect it was a job application. I started to follow her and go back in the toy store and (if it was an application), tell them what an inconsiderate bitch was applying to work there. But alas, this pregnant woman had been walking about for awhile and was too tired to walk back over to the toy store.
Now I'm watching My Super Sweet Sixteen. In general, these spoiled kids really annoy me, but on this one, Daddy McDollars is acting as bouncer and kicking kids out who are dancing too suggestively, made the girl get her dress altered so it doesn't show any cleavage, and only gave the birthday girl a motorbike for her birthday (instead of the Hummer limos that some kids on this show get).
I went to the doctor this week. Last week's ultrasound looked good except my levels of amniotic fluid were high so I'll have another ultrasound in two weeks to check on those. Dr. S said that since everything has been looking good with me and all my ultrasounds have looked good, she doesn't expect any consequence from the extra fluid other than she'll have to break my water. I didn't think to ask at the time if she just meant that I'll go into labor on my own and she'll have to do that or if she meant that I'll have to be induced. From what I've read, too much amniotic fluid frequently means induction to make sure when the water breaks, the cord doesn't come out. I'll ask her about this when I see her on the 30th. The next ultrasound is the 3rd.
More later-
Friday, November 13, 2009
Ultrasound pictures....
She's going to be a little chunk! Look at those chubby little cheeks. She was measuring a couple weeks ahead or in the 75th percentile for her gestational age. I'm not at all surprised that she's going to be a big baby--all the babies in my family tend to be big!
I've read how you shouldn't lay on your back after week 20 or so. I wasn't flat on my back during the ultrasound, but I suddenly started getting really hot, dizzy, nauseous, and my head was pounding. I really thought I was going to pass out. I moved to my side and my mom got me a wet washcloth and I was fine in a few minutes. Crisis averted. Guess that's why you shouldn't lay on your back when pregnant!
Ultrasounds are so exciting! I just love them. The tech today was going through things faster than techs I've had in the past and she wasn't very reassuring when she'd tell us she couldn't tell us anything when we'd ask her a question. She did tell us that the placenta was 9 cm away from the cervix so that's good. I guess she can tell us things that are measurable, but not things that require interpretation. I'll have to wait until Monday to find out for sure that the radiologist said everything was okay.
More later...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Great weekend!
It's only Sunday morning, but it's been a great weekend. Friday night we went to a surprise party for a friend's 30th. We didn't stay long because after sitting at work all day, my back gets pretty picky about my positioning the rest of the evening. Plus P had to take his big test Friday morning and was pretty drained from that. We came home and I was stretched out in the recliner when I saw my shirt move. P missed it but yesterday morning we were laying in bed and he saw movement as he was talking to Isla. Yesterday I took the dogs for a walk, did a few errands, went for a pedicure (I even splurged on the deluxe--LOVED the sugar rub on my legs and warm towels on my feet), the weather was gorgeous, and went to Isla's baby shower. There was a great turn out for the shower and A's idea to ask people to start Isla's library was a big hit. She got so many books and lots of other great stuff--even an Easy Bake Oven! K, A, and my aunt put a lot of work into the shower and I really appreciate everything they did. I'll post pictures later. After the shower, P and I helped K put her house back together then she and T came over for pizza and visited a bit. P, A, and I organized the presents some and looked through all the books. I can't wait to read them all to Isla! I guess moving the guest room downstairs was a good thing--P and I have been awake for a couple of hours, the dogs have run through the house several times, but A's still sleeping. She got up at 4 yesterday morning to drive down so I know she's exhausted!
Isla and I are so lucky to have so many people that love us!
Isla and I are so lucky to have so many people that love us!
Monday, November 2, 2009
At least its not the flu!
I hate being sick. I hate being sick! I HATE BEING SICK!! ESPECIALLY while pregnant! It's just a cold/allergies/sinusy stuff, but the timing of it really sucks. I'm starting to feel overwhelmed again about having so much to do and P's taking his recertification exam this week so he's been really focused on that and not on the things I'm stressing about. And he's fussing that I need to rest and take care of myself (yes, I know he's right!) so I don't need to be doing them all anyway. I tried to not do much over the weekend. I'd rest awhile, then when it was time for a potty break (for me or the dogs), I'd put up a little bit of laundry or clear a couple things off the kitchen table. I promised I'd stay home and rest today--he wanted me to stay home Thursday and Friday but both days I said I'd come home if I got to work and felt worse but then ended up working all day. So the plan today is to take Bumper to doggy day care to get some good exercise (and me to get some quiet), stop at Walgreens for Robitussin, and come home and do nothing. We have our first class tonight at 6--the epidural class. We also preregister for the hospital stay tonight, although my insurance is changing as of January 1 so I'll have to take care of that part of things later. We can't reschedule the class because it's only on Monday nights and our regular childbirth class starts next Monday and lasts the rest of the month. And the hospital wants this class completed by the 7th month.
More later--possibly later today and I rest and take things easy.
More later--possibly later today and I rest and take things easy.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Isla got mail, Winston, more song lyrics, and more
Isla got mail last week--actually a UPS package from her Aunt K.

K made the blankets and also sent some booties, a taggie, and a couple rattles. Isla's first mail delivery!
My mom found these pillows I made years ago--probably when I was in junior high--and asked if I wanted to use them. I have some mending to do on them after their trip through the washing machine, but I'll see if we can find a place for them in Isla's room.

I tried taking some pictures of the pups today for Christmas cards, but they weren't terribly cooperative.

One of the doctors P works with brought him a BabyBjorn Babysitter this week. More than a bouncy, Isla will be able to use this until she's about 2 years old. Thanks Dr and Mrs V!

A and I did some massive shopping last weekend. Ok, I did a lot of shopping and A did a lot of looking. Winston is one of the things that came home with me. He's huge and SO soft. We found him at the JCPenney Catalog Outlet store. He takes up the entire rocking chair--I'm not sure where he'll sit when I need the rocking chair--probably on top of the toy chest.

We also found this adorable little cow while we were in St. Charles. She's a learn to dress doll--there's a button, a zipper, some velcro. Too cute not to purchase!

And another song had me tearing up in the car last week.
More Beautiful You....
Little girl fourteen flipping through a magazine
Says she wants to look that way
But her hair isn't straight her body isn't fake
And she's always felt overweight
Well little girl fourteen I wish that you could see
That beauty is within your heart
And you were made with such care your skin your body and your hair
Are perfect just the way they are
There could never be a more beautiful you
Don't buy the lies disguises and hoops they make you jump through
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do
So there could never be a more beautiful you
Little girl twenty-one the things that you've already done
Anything to get ahead
And you say you've got a man but he's got another plan
Only wants what you will do instead
Well little girl twenty-one you never thought that this would come
You starve yourself to play the part
But I can promise you there's a man whose love is true
And he'll treat you like the jewel you are
So turn around you're not too far
To back away be who you are
To change your path go another way
It's not too late you can be saved
If you feel depressed with past regrets
The shameful nights hope to forget
Can disappear they can all be washed away
By the one who's strong can right your wrongs
Can rid your fears dry all your tears
And change the way you look at this big world
He will take your dark distorted view
And with His light He will show you truth
And again you'll see through the eyes of a little girl
I should really learn how to actually play the song on here.
I'm starting to get anxious about everything that needs to be done around here. As of today, we expect Isla month after next. That seems so soon compared to "in about 3 months" like it was last week. Those holiday things are coming up as well. I'm trying to finish Christmas and December birthday shopping--I like to be done by Thanksgiving anyway. I sorted through presents to see what I have and what I need last night and also started wrapping some. I was hoping in the course of sorting through my stash of presents I'd find the alarm clock, the sweaters, and some of the other stuff I've lost in this house in the past few months, but no such luck.
Going to go put another coat of primer on Isla's closet doors. Her cousin R is going to paint some type of picture on them for us and I need to take them to her.

K made the blankets and also sent some booties, a taggie, and a couple rattles. Isla's first mail delivery!
My mom found these pillows I made years ago--probably when I was in junior high--and asked if I wanted to use them. I have some mending to do on them after their trip through the washing machine, but I'll see if we can find a place for them in Isla's room.

I tried taking some pictures of the pups today for Christmas cards, but they weren't terribly cooperative.

One of the doctors P works with brought him a BabyBjorn Babysitter this week. More than a bouncy, Isla will be able to use this until she's about 2 years old. Thanks Dr and Mrs V!

A and I did some massive shopping last weekend. Ok, I did a lot of shopping and A did a lot of looking. Winston is one of the things that came home with me. He's huge and SO soft. We found him at the JCPenney Catalog Outlet store. He takes up the entire rocking chair--I'm not sure where he'll sit when I need the rocking chair--probably on top of the toy chest.
We also found this adorable little cow while we were in St. Charles. She's a learn to dress doll--there's a button, a zipper, some velcro. Too cute not to purchase!

And another song had me tearing up in the car last week.
More Beautiful You....
Little girl fourteen flipping through a magazine
Says she wants to look that way
But her hair isn't straight her body isn't fake
And she's always felt overweight
Well little girl fourteen I wish that you could see
That beauty is within your heart
And you were made with such care your skin your body and your hair
Are perfect just the way they are
There could never be a more beautiful you
Don't buy the lies disguises and hoops they make you jump through
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do
So there could never be a more beautiful you
Little girl twenty-one the things that you've already done
Anything to get ahead
And you say you've got a man but he's got another plan
Only wants what you will do instead
Well little girl twenty-one you never thought that this would come
You starve yourself to play the part
But I can promise you there's a man whose love is true
And he'll treat you like the jewel you are
So turn around you're not too far
To back away be who you are
To change your path go another way
It's not too late you can be saved
If you feel depressed with past regrets
The shameful nights hope to forget
Can disappear they can all be washed away
By the one who's strong can right your wrongs
Can rid your fears dry all your tears
And change the way you look at this big world
He will take your dark distorted view
And with His light He will show you truth
And again you'll see through the eyes of a little girl
I should really learn how to actually play the song on here.
I'm starting to get anxious about everything that needs to be done around here. As of today, we expect Isla month after next. That seems so soon compared to "in about 3 months" like it was last week. Those holiday things are coming up as well. I'm trying to finish Christmas and December birthday shopping--I like to be done by Thanksgiving anyway. I sorted through presents to see what I have and what I need last night and also started wrapping some. I was hoping in the course of sorting through my stash of presents I'd find the alarm clock, the sweaters, and some of the other stuff I've lost in this house in the past few months, but no such luck.
Going to go put another coat of primer on Isla's closet doors. Her cousin R is going to paint some type of picture on them for us and I need to take them to her.
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