I'm never the most patient person, but me thinks the pregnancy hormones are making things worse. Today at the grocery store a new line opened and a woman moved from the long line to the new line but felt like she was jumping ahead of some man so she was telling him to go first, meanwhile I'd walked up before the man made it over to the new line. The two of them were standing there ARGUING in front of me over who should go first. The cashier standing the just watching them, and me standing there, resisting the urge to say "UM, HELLLOOO--pregnant lady with her arms full, could SOMEONE please go through the line already??"
Not the best day to also brave one of the many craft fairs in town. People everywhere. You can't see half the stuff because people just stand around with their heads stuck up their butts, not paying any attention to whether or not someone is trying to get around them, and just standing in front of tables so that you can't see half the stuff that's for sale.
It takes everything I have to keep my mouth shut some days.
I wish I hadn't kept my mouth shut one day last week. I'd parked at the fabric store with my mom, then after she left, I walked to Toys R Us next door. When I came back out, some bimbo in a Camero pulls into the handicapped space at the fabric store--no handicapped plates, no handicapped hang tag--and jogs into the toy store next door. She could have parked a dozen spaces out from the toy store and still been just as close, but no, she had to park in the blue space at the fabric store. She went running into the toy store with a piece of paper. I strongly suspect it was a job application. I started to follow her and go back in the toy store and (if it was an application), tell them what an inconsiderate bitch was applying to work there. But alas, this pregnant woman had been walking about for awhile and was too tired to walk back over to the toy store.
Now I'm watching My Super Sweet Sixteen. In general, these spoiled kids really annoy me, but on this one, Daddy McDollars is acting as bouncer and kicking kids out who are dancing too suggestively, made the girl get her dress altered so it doesn't show any cleavage, and only gave the birthday girl a motorbike for her birthday (instead of the Hummer limos that some kids on this show get).
I went to the doctor this week. Last week's ultrasound looked good except my levels of amniotic fluid were high so I'll have another ultrasound in two weeks to check on those. Dr. S said that since everything has been looking good with me and all my ultrasounds have looked good, she doesn't expect any consequence from the extra fluid other than she'll have to break my water. I didn't think to ask at the time if she just meant that I'll go into labor on my own and she'll have to do that or if she meant that I'll have to be induced. From what I've read, too much amniotic fluid frequently means induction to make sure when the water breaks, the cord doesn't come out. I'll ask her about this when I see her on the 30th. The next ultrasound is the 3rd.
More later-
Your post reminded me of the time in high school when I was working at a fast food restaurant and someone came through the drive thru to drop off a job application. The manager immediately tossed the application in the trash, for after all, if you're too lazy to get out of the car, you certainly aren't cut out for the job.