Today's doctor's appointment went well. Things are still looking good, but I need to watch my blood pressure because it's creeping up and my ankles were a little puffy. She said to watch the sodium. Guess all that ham I've had since Thanksgiving wasn't the best choice. I was also chatting while my BP was being checked and that always seems to make it read a little higher.
I have my ultrasound to check amniotic fluid levels on Thursday. If it is still high, she said she'd send me back to see Dr. H, the maternal fetal med specialist. She said he'd probably do a level 3 ultrasound to check everything out and see what he thinks. Apparently levels are supposed to max out around 32 weeks so hopefully everything checks out fine Thursday. I like being "routine." There's enough to worry about as a routine patient. I don't like being a special concern. If I don't hear from them by Thursday afternoon, I'm supposed to call to make sure they got the ultrasound results--she wants to try to get me in to see the specialist when he's in town Monday or Tuesday next week if needed.
The nurse said that at my next appointment the waist down checks start. P should be able to go to that one with me--he's off that day to have a colonoscopy. Waist down checks seem like such a big deal!
Tell P I said good luck with the colonoscopy!!!