Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Patrick's Animal Kingdom Adventure

While the girl and I checked out Rain Forest Cafe, rode some flying dinosaurs, and got Pluto's autograph, P went off on the Africa Trek at AK.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Disney Love

And so much more. I'll make a huge photo book for Isla to keep the magic alive as long as possible!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Another Christmas pic

Fam photo

Baby watch

Our home study was finalized on December 4 and as of December 19, we are active with the adoption agency we selected. We found out Friday that we're being shown to a mommy next week. She's due at the end of the month--same day I was due with Isla (according to the doctor's little chart). So many things feel right about this but we know its super-fast and I'm trying not to get my hopes up. Still, we've made sure we have everything in place for action if this is the baby for us. If it isn't, our baby will come. I pray this momma has peace with whatever decision she makes.