Saturday, January 25, 2014

Time flies!

I can't believe I'm lucky enough to be momma to two such beautiful little girls or that time is flying by so fast. How is Sierra already 6 weeks old? Smiling at us, watching us, looking for us when she hears a voice she knows. And Isla is 4! That is just unbelievable. Isla has done an amazing job adjusting to being a big sister. At the same time, her personality keeps getting bigger and bigger and she keeps getting smarter and smarter.

This post probably won't flow well. I'm just going to type things as I think of them and Sierra will probably wake up for a bottle before I can iron it back together.

You Are My Sunshine is a favorite song these days. Isla sings it beautifully--one night she told me I could sing it to her and she would sing it to Sierra. She recently told me that her stuffed unicorn and Sierra are her sunshine.

The stuffed unicorn went to the doctor with us for Isla's 4 year well child check. Dr. S let Isla use the otoscope to look in unicorn's ears and the stethoscope to listen to unicorn's heart. Luckily no shots were required.

For Isla's birthday, I covered the doorway with streamers and balloons. We heard her open the door that morning and she said "Mommy--I'm stuck!" Once she knew why the decorations were there, she was thrilled with them and disappointed when Daddy took them down.

Isla goes back and forth between being this super chatty kid with comments on everything to saying "I'm a little shy" and hiding behind me. The super chatty kid is the real personality. I wonder if this is her introvert and extrovert sides conflicting with each other.

She's been pretending to have sleepovers. She told P the other day that she's having a sleepover party for 12 friends and that she can handle that many people. We need snacks, and decorations, and sleeping bags... Um, no.

We're still trying to get into a routine with Sierra but it's starting to happen. Hopefully soon she'll start sleeping more than 3 hours a time and we'll have an easier time getting her back to sleep after that 3 am feeding.

I never knew I could feel so much love. Sometimes I look at my girls and think about how easy it would be for someone to hurt them and just get so scared. Bubble wrap. I want to wrap my life in bubble wrap.

More later, including a ton of pictures.