Thursday, September 18, 2014

Anxiously awaiting more feet

When Isla was born I was overwhelmed by feelings when I'd look at her--pretty much every feeling imaginable. One of the things that always struck me was the awareness of how vulnerable she was and how there are people that could hurt someone so innocent.

Fast forward to our adoption journey. We dismissed the idea of trying to adopt through the foster system--too many unknowns and too much heartbreak.  Perhaps we could provide respite care for families we know that foster.

Then Sierra was born. Those feelings I had when Isla was born were back. And this time I knew how many foster families there are in our area and how many kids in care. And this time I realized it's not okay that there are kids in our community that don't have a safe place to stay. But we had reasons for not fostering--we just had a baby, another car seat won't fit in our car.... But we were going to adopt last year right before Sierra was due. One day I realized that my excuses were all convenience issues. And our convenience is not more important than a child having a safe place to stay.

So we talked. We prayed. We completed the foster parent classes. Now we wait for paperwork to be finished and wait for two more feet. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Wow! I haven't posted in a long time! I haven't even had a chance to read the blogs I follow and I just discovered my blogger app was missing from my phone--someone deleted a couple apps recently when she was rearranging the icons on my phone. I'll try and sit down and write a post soon if someone will start napping for more than 30 minutes a pop.  For now, here are some pics!

Gggrrr--twice now I've tried to publish this and I go back and it's still a draft! Here's hoping third time is the charm!