Sunday, October 30, 2011


On a related note, does anyone know how to get Sharpie out of a pink sweater?

Discovery Playhouse and Words

We've spent some time at the Discover Playhouse the past 2 Friday afternoons.  Isla loves playing on the slides, with the toys, the books....everything.  Last week she climbed up the slide, slid down, stood...and fell flat on her face.  Twice.  After that, she'd go to the top and yell "Momma, catch!"  and wouldn't silde down until I was squatting at the bottom.  This week told me to catch her once, but when she came down, she twisted and stopped herself before hitting the floor at the bottom.  She was SO proud of herself!  She still hasn't explored the whole place--last week I made her leave the toddler play area to go explore other things but this week, I let her play there as long as she wanted, then she went to explore a little bit.  She hasn't even seen half the place yet so I'm sure we'll get lots of use out of our year pass. 

She's really into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Elmo these days.  She'll pick up the remote, bring it to me, and tell me which she wants to watch.  I try to limit the television to first thing in the morning and at the very end of the day.  She's kinda slow to get going in the morning (even though she's up early) and lazing around watching TV seems to be a good thing.

I've been meaning to try to make a list of all the words she knows, but I can't get them all down.  One morning last week I wrote them down as she said them but I was at 30 words by the time she finished breakfast and after that, I couldn't write as she said them.  P and I are going to see how many we can think of:  egg, cheese, milk, bowl, plate, spoon, cup, pan (to put her egg in when we cook it), waffle, snack, juice, down, done, hot dog, hot, rice, sausage, avocado, eat, up, down, mouse, boo-boo (means fart), tractor, walk, Momma, Daddy, back, book, read, Mimi, PopPop, bed, night-night, baby, blanket, Jonathan (or Johnnie), Grandma, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Pete, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy, Elmo, Big Bird, Ernie, cookie, more, please, thank you, light, blocks, one, two, three, chair, couch, house, nice, green, blue, white, Ashlee, shoes, socks, ball, swing, slide, play, write, dog, giraffe, monkey, hippopotamus, owl, fish, butterfly, mine, no, chicken, Isla, pig, eyes, nose, knees, elbow, trash, hi, bye, rollercoaster, dance, bear, Sprite, diaper.  I'm sure I'll come back and add more.  She also says some 2-4 word phrases....."I want it,"  "My ____ (usually Daddy)," "So good,"  "Here you go," "See you,"  "Love you,"  "I got ____," "Night Night Jesus."  And she knows so many more words.  She loves animal books and can point out all the animals in there, show you were all her body parts are (including her dancing phlanges). 

We had parent-teacher conference at daycare this week.  Apparently Isla says "mine" a lot.  She argues with a little boy in her class.  She also pushes at them, although I don't think she meant Isla actually PUSHES the other kids--surely if she did, I would have heard about it before now.  She also said Isla LOVES the books.  This makes me happy.  In the midst of playing with all the toys and slides at the Discovery Playhouse Friday, Isla brought me some books and sat down for us to read stories.  Sometimes she'll sit for an entire story, sometimes she keeps turning pages. 

Big news of the weekend....I cleaned my car Friday (enough of a novelty in and of itself!) and turned baby girl's car seat around!  She's 22 pounds (with clothes) now.  MO law says they have to be 20 to forward face, but our car seat says 22 pounds so we've waited.  And waited.  Actually, she just hit 20 pounds at her 18 month well baby so we haven't waited very long.  She got a huge grin on her face when she got in the car Friday and jabbered all the way to the playhouse.  She must have forgotten it was turned around because when she saw it leaving the playhouse, she got really excited! 

Here are some pictures from Friday afternoon's visit to the playhouse...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Melmo meltdown

Isla's favorite toys are books.  Consistently, she'll play with her books more than anything else.  She'll bring them to us and say "read" and she's getting much better about letting us actually read stories to her.  She has many books in her room and an assortment stay in the living room, stacked on a couple of ottomans, in easy reach.  Some nights, that's all she'll play with.  One night last week, I was in the bathroom and heard a meltdown.  "MELMO!  MELMO!!!!"  Crying.  Distraught.  Much, much drama.  I came into the hallway and saw her standing at the ottomans, looking for her new favorite book that Y got her.... the one about Elmo's babysitter.  The one we left in my car the previous night.  I reassured her that it was okay, Melmo was in momma's car and we could go get him.  She continued crying until we retrieved Melmo and she knew, in fact, that he was safe.  The next day, I picked up another Melmo book from Target's Dollar Spot.

Family pics...

Love the new way to upload pics to Blogger!  So much easier and faster so I thought I'd share some of my favorite family pics.  Thanks to Hope Carroll for coming to my parents' house and shooting us all!

Winston, Minnie Mouse, and more....

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Winston pictures....

So I don't actually have this month's pictures ready to upload yet.  We just got around to taking them this morning.  Momma is slipping on that 12th of the month thing.  When I told her this morning that we needed to take Winston pictures, she went in her room and starting moving the other kids from the toy chest and trying to pull Winston into the floor.  Then she handed me the white onesie and actually STOOD STILL for me to put it on her.  Then she started pointing to the montly stickers on the wall over her changing table and telling me she needed one of those.  When I got out my camera, she positioned herself in front of the bear and started posing.  But I couldn't get the lens on my camera.  Once I did and told her I was ready, she sat back down and said "CHEESE" as I started taking pictures. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I was getting something out of the car tonight and Isla started saying "Mi'Mouz."  I looked down and there was a little Mickey Mouse figureine.  When we went inside I asked her if she wanted to watch Mickey Mouse on tv.  "Mi'Mouz! Mi'Mouz!"  and she went to the television and started to turn it on.  She has a Minnie Mouse doll in her room that we play with and she's been calling her Minnie for awhile, but I think it's because we call her Minnie.  Today, Mickey Mouse was a definite recognition of the commercialized cartoon.  And so it begins.

Oh, and she also knows who Elmo is and will point him out in her books. 

Isla's really big on pens and paper (or pens and clothing, the table, whatever....) these days.  We write her name with her a lot and do a sing-songy "I-S-L-A.  Isla!"  Tonight when she started writing, I asked her how to spell Isla.  She answered "IIIIIIII."  My kid is so smart!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Where'd it go?

One of Isla's favorite phrases.  Usually accompanied by upturned palms and big, wide eyes.

But I don't know where my background design went.  I clicked somewhere when I last updated and things changed.  I haven't been able to get it back quite right.  I'll keep clicking and see if I can find something I like.