Saturday, October 10, 2015


Hopefully, hopefully, hopefully we finally have a breakthrough with Sierra sleeping. We've always considered it a good night if she'd sleep til 5 and then cuddle awhile. And a good nap is an hour, then cuddles. This week she was in her bed by herself til 6 every day. And naps are improving too--right now she's been asleep 2 hours but today has to be a fluke! More predictable sleep will make things easier on momma. At least til the next developmental change! 

Monday, September 28, 2015


I should have time to sit down with my laptop and do some blog-keeping. I hope. But there's some I'd really like to write about that I can't publish because the littlest love isn't ours. Sigh. 

My loves

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Oh dear

I just looked at my profile and blogs I follow. Really need to do some updating there. Need to log in on my laptop to do some housekeeping here. I'll try to do that this weekend.


Anyone there? I'm still here. Blogging has obviously been hard this year. Not a lot of time to just sit and type. Plus, baby L is still with us and is such a part of our family now but not officially so so I can't blog about her. Still I hate that I haven't had really any record of this year other than pics. Isla started kindergarten and Taekwando. Sierra has this huge personality that is so different than her sister. And watching them both with baby L and everything she's been through and how that personality is developing. It's all pretty amazing. I do want to start blogging again. For tonight, pics will have to do but I'll be back in a few days to talk about my oh-so-verbally-gifted girls.

My loves.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


I have written in the past few months but for some reason they never posted. They're stuck in cyberspace looping and on my phone. I'll try to do better. This was from April and never posted.