Monday, October 11, 2010

Busy momma!

I've been one busy momma the past week or so. One of my maternity leave goals was to clean out/organize the storage room and have a huge garage sale. Six months later....DONE! The great thing was once I got all the garage sale stuff out, the stuff that lives in the storage room permanently was pretty much organized. We still have some stuff in the garage but I'll call Restore about coming to pick up a couple pieces of furniture and K is coming over today to pick up more of her stuff. We got rid of a TON of stuff and helped a few other people get rid of some also. M only brought over K's clothes and managed to sell $140 worth of stuff! The most amusing sale was the guy who asked if there was a way to plug in the breast pump to see HOW it works. I told him I don't have working parts anymore but if I'd certainly plug it in for him so he could try it out. He and his wife had a sweet little girl who was just over a year old and they're due again in a few months. I also sold our bassinet--those were our 2 high dollar items. The girl that bought the bassinet was someone I worked with years ago at Blue Cross. I hope little Noah likes it better than Isla did.

I've also been getting the hang of this whole teaching thing. I'm starting a new class Wednesday and am so relieved that it's the same class. It was supposed to be a different class than what I had done, but he had an attorney scheduled to teach a public administration class and me scheduled for a law class. Made pretty good sense to switch us. The best thing is I've read the text book already, I've done PowerPoints for the first 7/9 chapters, and I've already done initial discussion board posts. I spent a few hours last night looking through my new classroom to make sure things in there looked they did in the old one. I think it will be a lot easier the second go round.

So what's been going on with Isla B while momma's been so busy? She worked the garage sale a lot. Grandma and Grandpa were there the whole time and Daddy and cousin M were there a lot too so she just kinda went from person to person. She wanted to help momma write stuff. She got a new stroller out of the event. The lady that was my mentor when I started my job had just purchased a stroller from another lady I work with--I'd actually seen it at D's daughter's yard sale and knew it was nice and unused. But it was very pink and J'd daughter found out she's having a boy. I told her I'd trade her strollers if it would help. So K has a blue and gray, unisex stroller for her little boy and Isla has a pink stroller. K also bought our swing base for the carrier and since our carrier is out of date in a couple months, she can take the fabric parts from it in hers to use instead of her pink stuff.

Isla's still working on mobility. She can get to a sitting position from an all-4s position but she tends to get mad and frustrated when she tries to do things like that. Not much progress on the babbling front, but we're getting more kisses these days. Lately she's decided that baby food isn't as tasty and momma and daddy food. We got a new bed that has a wall unit with mirrors over the headboard--she loves to stand at the headboard and talk to that baby. Yesterday we had pictures taken in our Hallween costume--I'll see if I can post a link to those. Tomorrow we're supposed to have our 9 month pictures taken. So busy!

More later--need to go shower and get moving!!

OH--I have a blog entry about Alison Kraus I need to post. I'm not sure what happened to the email I wrote it out in though. I'll find that and add it in a day or 2. Meanwhile, if you hear my baby crying, start singing "As I went down in the river to pray, studying about that good ole way...."


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