Monday, April 8, 2013


Isla has been saying "oh my cracked butt" when she falls on her behind. It's hard not to laugh, but then she feeds on the laughter and keeps saying "my cracked butt."

We've been working on math skills and she really seems to get the concepts. Yesterday I told her I'd blow bubbles 5 times. I counted 1-2-3 as I blew, but then I stopped counting. I looked over at her and she had one hand out and she was pointing at her fingers. I could see the little wheels in her head turning and then she said "momma, you need to blow 2 more times."

"Yucky Charms" are a breakfast favorite.

It's been absolutely gorgeous outside the past few days. Yesterday Isla helped me plant some grass seed and kept asking about planting flowers. We didn't have any to plant but P and I had gotten the garden tilled so we planted some onions, chives, and herbs. Today I planted tomato plants, banana peppers, kale, and broccoli. Isla loves watering so hopefully we'll have a great garden this year!

Speaking of banana peppers, Isla loves going to Subway. She wants "yellow things, green things, black things, and purple things" on her sandwich (banana peppers, pickles, olives, and red onions).

Saturday when it was so nice out, I stopped at the park after dropping Isla at Grandma's house. I had planned on walking around the lake a few times and using the time to have a nice long chat with God but as I got closer I thought I'd just listen to some music instead. I started walking, put in my headphones and pulled my phone out of my pocket. Somehow in taking it out of my pocket and plugging in the ear buds, I'd managed to start playing music. The song when I put my ear buds in? Down to the River to Pray. I looked up, "it's a lake God, not a river. But I get the point." So I walked and talked. Then I put on some praise music and walked a little more. Some times He's subtle, some times He's not.

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