Sunday, July 18, 2010

So much going on, so little time to blog....

So much going on in Isla's world these days. A tooth popped out last week (July 8th for when I go back and add it on her first year calendar)! It's a bottom tooth and so far, it doesn't have any friends showing up.

So much personality is also popping out these days. Isla definitely has her preferences and is learning how to communicate those well.

Stranger anxiety seems to be coming and going--some days she does okay at child care at the gym or the church nursery, but other days she screams. She's also taken to voicing her objection if mommy comes home from work and walks out of site without picking her up.

We made it to 6 months with a little over 6 pound weight gain over birth weight. We haven't doubled our birth weight yet but we're gaining consistently. We go to the doctor Thursday morning for our 6 month check-up. She's taking 25-30 ounces of formula a day, plus some solids. She was topping 30 most days but slacked off when....SHE STARTED SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!

She's also able to sit up on her own for (very) short periods of time. We've been practicing!

She goes to bed around 6:30 or 7. If she hasn't gotten up for one last bottle before I go to bed at 10, I get her up for a bottle then (which doesn't always wake her up totally). She's usually good until 5:30 or 6 after that. We've had a couple off nights in the past few nights but for the most part, sleeping is very good!

I washed all Isla's 6-9 month clothes today. Most of them are summer outfits. I totally expected her to be wearing that size by now and most are probably still too big. We have a ton of sleepers for this fall but mommy might have to buy a couple more going out/church clothes.

More pictures and some video to post in a few days.

Time to get ready for bed--

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