Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lots of stuff!

We had a couple rough nights over the weekend. I think baby girl intended to take a late nap and was unhappy when mommy and daddy thought she should be down for the night. We kept her up later last night and things went a little better.

Saturday night she was rather insistent that she should be up and managed to take herself from her tummy-butt-in-the-air position to a seated position to raise her arms up for momma. She hasn’t done it again since, but she’s been working those legs around going from a seated position to her tummy.

Last night she was laying in my arms as we were winding down for bed and I ran my finger over her neck, just above the collar of her sleeper. TICKLE SPOT! She giggled and giggled. So mommy had to keep doing it. I love when she’s winding down for the night and gets really playful. She’ll lay in my arms smiling at me when I make faces at her, she’ll play with my hair, put her hand on my face.... Smile. Sigh.

Speaking of tickle spots, this baby giggles but I have yet to hear a real belly laugh out of her. Maybe because she doesn’t have much of a belly. One thing that tickles her is when Grandpa rubs the bottoms of her feet against his scruffy face. My dad has a 5:00 shadow 10 minutes after he shaves—he always has stubble. Anyway, one foot is ticklish and she’ll giggle and pull the foot back. The other foot apparently isn’t ticklish—she leaves it there.

I sorted through all Isla’s winter clothes this past weekend. We have SO many. Of course that didn’t me from buying more at a garage sale I went to. Or from going through a bag of stuff P’s coworker sent him for me to go through to see if I wanted any of. Now I need to go through her closet and pull out the summer sun-suits. We’re still having 90 degree days, but it’s too cool in the mornings and evenings for her to wear them. When I put stuff up I want to sort the 9 month clothes from the other stuff—she might be able to wear some of it next spring, depending on when the warm weather comes and how much she grows.

We’re having a garage sale in a couple weeks. I have so much to do to get ready. I started pricing stuff last weekend. I’ll continue with that and P and I will clean out the garage this weekend. It’s not too bad—I’d wanted to have a garage sale in the spring and cleaned out the garage then. I also have a bunch of little projects started that I want to work on. This class I’m teaching is taking up much more time that I expected, but I do like it. I think I’m starting to get in a pattern of what I need to do when and I’m starting to feel more comfortable with the computer platform. Good thing—midterm week starts tomorrow!

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