Thursday, April 7, 2011

THERE it is!

We couldn't find the cordless phone last night. We checked the couch cushions, under the couch, in the magazine boxes--no phone. I looked in the toybox and didn't see it in there either. The cleaning lady was here today...still no phone. Then tonight Isla is in the floor playing with her picnic basket and pulls out the phone. So glad "we" found it!

Tonight I went to a dinner at church for the teen mommies at our local high school. A couple of the other ladies who work with this ministry have little ones just younger than Isla. Both those little boys were there and it was so funny to see them running around. They are both more steady and confident on their feet than Isla is. Isla is getting more steady and last night she bent over and picked something up, then righted herself. I don't think she's stood up with pulling or at least touching something else, but she's been pretty close to it. She'll be running around soon enough.

Tuesday night we had a really sweet cuddle time at bedtime. She doesn't usually want to be held and rocked at bedtime anymore, but she let me that night. She even let me cradle her. She looked up into my face, smiling, patting me....really humoring momma. sigh. So sweet. When I laid her down, she didn't fuss, just went on to sleep.

Wednesday night, she screamed. And screamed. Oh well.

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