Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dream, dream, dream

So what's with the dreams that come with pregnancy? Last night I dreamt that P and I had to move in 2 days. We weren't living in this house--we were living in the house I grew up in and that my parents sold about 12 years ago. My parents had already moved all their stuff, we had 0 boxes packed, and had no boxes for packing. We also had no idea where we were moving to, P was on call, someone showed up to mow the yard, my Grandma kept calling me about going shopping for curtains, and no one could understand why I was more than a little stressed about the situation. I woke up before the situation resolved.

1 comment:

  1. ...maybe you've been thinking about the nursery?...moving stuff around for the baby...and all the confusion you feel about this pregnancy...I bet you didn't know I had a degree in psychological bs...
