Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Random thoughts.....

Ugh. I hope you slept better last night than I did. I was doing okay--P was on call but only had one middle of the night page and it was timed for a potty break anyway--until 3. After that potty break, the mind started racing. Nothing bad--total random stuff. How do you know how much the baby eats when you're breastfeeding? How do you know when to burp it? We need a new set of sheets for our bed. Will my mom be able to sleep on the daybed or the new sofa type bed downstairs if we have her come stay with us for a few days after the baby is born or should be not get rid of the bed that's in the spare bedroom/soon to be nursery? I need to wash the sheets on the spare bed for her to stay to dogsit Saturday night. I have to clear all the clothes off the spare bed. I need to wash the maternity clothes a friend loaned me so the dogs don't go nuts because the clothes don't smell like me. What AM I going to do with my closet once we set up the nursery? Finally P asked what was wrong and I asked the breastfeeding question. There are lines on a bottle. I know there are lines on a bottle, but there aren't lines on my boob and I don't think I’m going to magically sprout any at delivery! Ugh. I came to absolutely no resolutions about anything (of course). Hopefully I can manage to stay awake today.

1 comment:

  1. Just wait till the baby'll have even more questions...luckily, by that time, you'll be so sleep deprived, you won't stay awake trying to answer them.
