Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mommy's feeling better....

Just wanted to take a minute to update because I know a some friends have been worried about Isla. Things are looking up. We got a script for Prilosec this week so that should help control her acid production. We have an increased dosage of the Zantac to use to handle the acid until the Prilosec kicks in. She's already eating better and we just started Monday afternoon (increased Zantac) and Tuesday afternoon (the Prilosec). We know she CAN eat, we know she WILL eat, we just have to be patient for the meds to work that will LET her eat. I don't think she's had a lot of the pain that a lot of reflux babies have and she's a great sleeper (unlike most reflux babies), I think she's just controlled the pain by not eating very much. Smart kid, huh? Wish mommy could control her appetite like that!

Overall, she's doing wonderfully--developmentally, everything is right on track--she's just a little girl and will need some time to catch up in her growth.

This weekend I want to sit down and write a long post about all the amazing things we're seeing--she's realized this week WE HAVE A DOG! and visually follows Speckles around the room, she's a chatty little thing and communicates well with different tones of her voice, she loves to sit up and look around, her head control is doing really well, her dislike of tummy time has her rolling from her tummy to her back with just a little bit of help, and its amazing to see her recognize voices and see those big eyes light up as she starts looking for the people she loves. She's also started recognizing the bottle and is showing excitement to see it as we get her tummy symptoms controlled.

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. Keep praying that the Prilosec will control things for her and that we don't have to spend a lot of time trying to find the right dose or trying other meds.

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